Bump keys

Ouch... Guess we'll soon see

a) "classic" key making companies out of business and
b) a loooooooooooot of new electronic locking systems and
c) individually crafted systems that are simply unique, so that you can't get a non-set key in just any store.

But in the meantime, this probably simply means that we're going to share our houses with everyone. :)
Bump Keys are there since years. I am in the german lock pickers group, which is closely tied (by some) to the Chaos Computer Club.

Bump Keys are only the tip of the ice berg, believe me. Certified rfid locks - one costs > 250 dollars - which are certified and are used in - f.e. - the white house can be unlocked with a 25 dollar rare earth magneta (and have since then been removed at least by the german military, and I guess on other important buildings too, since the manufacturer couldn't fix the problem).

there are locks which are secure, even today. just google around for lock picking, read some stuff, try it yourself (on YOUR LOCKS!!!) and you will soon get a good feeling for locks, what's save, what's hard to pick etc.
Obviously you don't live in Portugal…

Almost no one uses these type of keys in their home door anymore.
Just for the building door.
No, I live in Brooklyn, where all locks are of the "highly pickable" variety.

Alright, lock geeks: what's the secure option?
That does it, as soon as I own my own place, I'm installing biometric door locks on the front and rear doors!
No, I live in Brooklyn, where all locks are of the "highly pickable" variety.

Alright, lock geeks: what's the secure option?
Why not create the following hazard sign on your front door? You wouldn't be lying, but who would fancy breaking in?


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