mail, safari, ichat quitting


unexpectedly, as well as all of the dashboard widgets and dictionary on my powerpc g4. these are to my knowledge the only afflicted programs.

i restarted my computer to find that the programs would close almost immediately upon startup/after i opened them, i.e. "The application _ quit unexpectedly."

coincidentially or not so, this happened the same day i downloaded the newly released security update. shortly after, (within 3 hours) all the aforementioned programs that were opened closed in succession.

i did a repair disk permissions to no success. is there anything else i can try?

To see if it is the computer or your user account try to boot into safe mode. If the safe mode applications work, then you know something is hosed in your user account.
Then if you still have your original system disks look for the one that has "hardware test" on it. Boot with that disk while holding down the option key. Then choose "hardware test" to see if something is going wrong with your hardware.
From a MacFixIt article on Wednesday:

Security Update 2006-004 (#2): Problems with WebKit-based apps -- Safari,, etc., fix; Inability to startup; more

Problems with WebKit-based applications -- Safari,, etc. Security Update 2006-004 makes significant changes to the WebKit framework, which provides HTML rendering and other capabilities for a variety of applications including Safari,, Dashboard and a number of third party applications.

As such, some problems have manifested for these applications on some systems after application of the update.

MacFixIt reader Pete Loats writes:

"After installing Security Update 2006-004 yesterday afternoon I could not launch a number of applications that depend on Webkit. Mail, NetNewsWire and Dashboard all yielded the following error indicating a problem linking with the JavaScriptCore:

* Link (dyld) error: Symbol not found: __ZN3KJS9ObjectImpC2Eb
* Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/ A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/WebCore
* Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/ A/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore

Read on. There is a suggested workaround, although I haven't tried it because I haven't encountered the problem in person.
the hardware checked out fine on the test (i did the extended 15 minute one) and i downloaded the workaround webkit, but i'm unsure of it's purpose. does it just act as a replacement for safari?
The definition is here: "WebKit is the system framework used on Mac OS X by Safari, Dashboard,, and many other OS X applications. It is based on the KHTML engine from KDE."

I haven't tried this, as I said, and I have no advice for you on whether you should try it.
would anyone happen to have any other suggestions? :(

i'd contact apple but i'm sure their first response would be to reinstall osx

would an archive and install solve the problem?
It's possible that an archive and install will resolve it. This will keep all the user accounts, applications, and user files intact. The only thing that changes is the System folder and files. Now, some apps might be affected, but a reinstall of those apps should resolve the problem. However, this is a rarity...usually everything it kept inplace.