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  1. profx

    CD Copy Protection, Are Music Industry Folks Stupid?

    curious, My friend bought ben harpers new album - diamonds on the inside. He cant listen to the CD on his PC as it wont recognise the disk. It says on the package you need a pentium blah blah with this and that for the copy protection to work!! I put it in my powerbook and it worked straight...
  2. profx

    Digital Monitor Switcher Box???

    what i meant was which interface you were using. New Graphics cards have different outputs to old ones (analog output use VGA while the new hard-core one use DVI). VGA switching box is much cheaper than a DVI swiching box (ie 2xDVI inputs (one from each computer) going to one dvi output)
  3. profx

    Is this wireless router Aiport compatible?

    Hi, Does anyone have any idea if this router will work with a powerbook with an airport card? Thi seems really cheap and feature packed and i am, thinking about getting it! this is a new zealand website os halve this price...
  4. profx

    Digital Monitor Switcher Box???

    Remote desktop is a great idea and i sometimes wish Mac OS X had it built in, but for what you want it would be useless. It is ideal for apps like word etc but as soon as you start using it for anything that uses the 3D graphics card it will crumble as it will need to do all 3D rendering in...
  5. profx

    Lost Personal Web Sharing! Can one install it seperately?

    oh... and welcome to!!
  6. profx

    Lost Personal Web Sharing! Can one install it seperately?

    this sounds like OS 9 give us your system version setup etc...
  7. profx

    Powerbook Battery Empty warning

    When i first got my powerbook it gave a warning that i only have 5 mins of battery life remaining. I think i only saw this warning once. I have never get this warning message any more. I think it 'beeps' but there is no dialog. Anyone know how to get this warning back?
  8. profx

    MSNBC review of iTunes Store

    i find it curious that when i tried to rank this article as "not helpful at all" i got this message Why dosent it say "sorry unprivledged mac user -your opinion is not valid - piss off!"
  9. profx

    PC and MAC on wireless network

    well you need the modem at the top of ur hierarchy, plugged into that you would have your router from your router you would connect everything else. I presume your router has just one ethernet port so, plug your hub into that, then plug ur PC's into the hub and the airport base station into...
  10. profx

    Please help me..I think i may have killed my drive.

    did you tell it to 'zero' the drive? If you did it is going through and writing 0's to every sector of the disk... that could take a while. But if you just asked it to format and paritiion then it should be done in no more than about 30 seconds. Sounds like you have no data to loose, just...
  11. profx

    Sharing Stickies between Accounts

    or instead of rsync-ing the files you could just set the permissions to group write then move the file from the shared folder to the users on login then back to shared on logout. Only one person has access to the file at a time after all. You might want to copy the file just incase the...
  12. profx

    Login screen Screensaver?

    dunno cant help with that. have you tried just leaving it at login screen to check if the screen saver activates?
  13. profx

    Login screen Screensaver?

    well if it does run a screen saver while logged out, it certainly wont run it from your home folder - so forget it Login screen is a user independant wide 'thing' so it will use system wide screen savers
  14. profx

    10.1.??? NEEDED !!! Address Book Problem

    i had the same problem although the fix was a bit more complicated than symphonix's for me. Do a search. Im sure the thread i started will be around some where.
  15. profx

    Windows file sharing

    i dont think windows sharing can startup if there is no network connection, either ethernet (en0) or ppp (ppp0) or airport etc... Basically because you dont have an ip address (unless you use static ip instead of dhcp) Is you network plugged in? try going to terminal and typing...
  16. profx

    Upload with apache

    try opening it with project builder then go to format>line endings> Use Unix Line endings (LF) then resave and try again. It may be the perl script has windows line endings (CR/LF) which means it wont run on unix because it cant tell where the lines end! I would almost put money on it -...
  17. profx

    Upload with apache

    mine worked straight up. Just changed thes essentials in the script (like upload location etc) and the demo.html file to point to the local cgi script. Did you accidentially remove a ' or a " when changing the script?
  18. profx

    Upload with apache

    did you "chmod +x upload.cgi"? i will have a look at the script now and see if i can find the problem
  19. profx

    Why do you place every single app in your dock?

    have to admit i have quite a few in mine (27) but the dock is set to teh smallest and it takes up a little less that half the bottom of my screen. I find it convienent, and i also drag files on to apps that wouldnt normally open those files. Pictures for example preview or photoshop? I dont...