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  1. Androo word association!

  2. Androo

    Androo's mystery of the week!

    okay i emptied it and the answer isnt anything sexual...
  3. Androo

    HELP! my ipod is messed

    o wait i dont have an apple store in canada, and i want my ipod to work PROPERLY plz help plzplzplz
  4. Androo

    HELP! my ipod is messed

    i'll try these :)
  5. Androo

    Backing up my Email

    i agree this reminds me of a time back in '85, we didnt have computers.
  6. Androo

    What crashes 10.3.2 ?

  7. Androo

    Androo's mystery of the week!

    back by popular demand! NEWEST MYSTERY: Whats Long, Hard, and full of White?
  8. Androo

    Mac Themes Website :

    while we're on the subject themes, icons, and a new desktop every week;)
  9. Androo

    I'm 17, what are my rights

    what's wrong with you? Everyone loves androo... straights, gays, homos, everyone!
  10. Androo

    JFK assaination

    Guys, u all got it wrong. Ur all so stupid. I ASSASSINATED HIM [lol i said a** twice heheheehehehehe] now im not from mexico, but i kno that i shot him.
  11. Androo

    Happy New Year!!!

    new years is just another excuse for suicide. many lives were lost.
  12. Androo

    I'm 17, what are my rights

    Personally, i think you shouldn't worry about it. Everyone gets hair in those places at some time in their lives. Good Luck man.
  13. Androo

    HELP! my ipod is messed

    Hey guys, whenever i try to update my ipod [meaning update all the songs on it] in itunes, my system crashes. I have panther 10.3.2, itunes 4.2, the latest ipod driver, and the newest 20gig ipod. Does anyone know what to do?
  14. Androo

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Its Channukah Soon!
  15. Androo

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Well here's my last post, since this was my favourite thread, cuz it was cool and random like me :D. Goodbye everyone.... Drinks on me! [turns up itunes] PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [next morning] owwww my stomach.... i shouldn't have drank so much kool aid! Goodbye everyone!!!! Merry Christmas...
  16. Androo

    The Young and the Androo

    Goodbye! making that a really good site as we speak :) Bye!
  17. Androo

    The Young and the Androo

    o ya sry for the drama queen crap, i thought that was funny. yeah, i just dont wanna be on a forum anymore, unless its a very small one. VERY small one. I dont have time. O yeah, sorry that i didn't contribute :D And of course, REMEMBER THIS SITE: Androo...
  18. Androo

    The Young and the Androo

    damnit how do you logout of when i click logout it stays logged in! AHHHH! screw it!!!!!
  19. Androo

    The Young and the Androo

    is shit considered swearing?
  20. Androo

    The Young and the Androo

    Well, i guess i'll fall under that category. I don't like this forum anymore. The people. The macness. Sometimes people that have the same interests are nothing alike. I am moving forums. I am leaving. Last time i came crawling back, but this time i want to leave forever. I am sick of forums. I...