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  1. Geminis

    Chimera vs. Safari

    Also, if you open a link in a new window (right-mouse click) and close that window, you cannot see which link has been openened already... ;(
  2. Geminis

    Chimera vs. Safari

    anybody had experience with Safari not showing the latest version of flashsites? I updated a site, but I still saw the old version, took me a littlew while to figure out, it was Safari, cause explorer did show the latest one... Did I miss something in prefs?
  3. Geminis

    Gripe. Skipping mp3's

    iTunes.. I hated it for a long time, cause it controls the way your mp3's on your hard drive. I know I can change that, but it seems the best way... But after admitting to that and getting used with it, it's my choise of mp3 player on OS X. When at work, I work with OS 9 and there I still...
  4. Geminis

    safari not so Hot(mail)

    If people are happy to use Microsoft.. let 'em. A big advantage is that the e-mailaddresses are easy to remind: they all end with Freedom of Software!
  5. Geminis

    safari not so Hot(mail)

    sorry, it's when using the Hotmail login-option to remember Password.
  6. Geminis

    safari not so Hot(mail)

    Ok, strange thing: If I click on the MSN Mail icon it opens Safari (thank you Apple!) and shows my inbox properly. then again if I type in and give my password it will say: java needed...
  7. Geminis

    safari not so Hot(mail)

    Bonefill > Thanks Jasoco > Is that a serious question? Mine was...
  8. Geminis

    Hope this belongs here. Another Safari feature.

    I miss the explorer thing that you can drag the content in a window (like scrolling) with the command key and drag mouse.
  9. Geminis

    safari not so Hot(mail)

    That didn't solve it for me, first it said No java Enabled (which it was) But then I changed the Cookies Acceptance to Always, after restarting Safari and went to Hotmail it kept saying 'retype password.'
  10. Geminis

    Apple released new Safari version

    well... is that for sure? I cannot read anything about it on the apple site...
  11. Geminis

    OS 9 wants cd... but WHICH one :(

    never had ANY problem with ATM, but will see abou that update, thanks!
  12. Geminis

    OS 9 wants cd... but WHICH one :(

    No! I found the Bugger! ATM. (type manger) I probably had loaded a font from cd, but still don't know which. I open a lot of old backups, so not easy to find. Thing is, installed ATM again, and *boom* same problem again... If I restart Mac without ATM extension there's no prob, but I need...
  13. Geminis

    OS 9 wants cd... but WHICH one :(

    As expected: now is all fine again, cost me 1.5 day, but then again system is faster than before again!
  14. Geminis

    OS 9 wants cd... but WHICH one :(

    First of all, it's sooo nice to see people here helping out, even more when talking bout Mac OS 9!! At home I am at the point that I cannot live without Jaguar anymore, so didn't expect a lot of reactions! I don't have any hardware test cd, so I tried updating from 9.1 tot 9.2.2. No luck...
  15. Geminis

    OS 9 wants cd... but WHICH one :(

    Hardware Test Cd? Cannot remember one coming with OS 9. It's the Mac at my work, so will try the other option tomorrow a.s.a.p. thanks for your reply, will let you know what happened!
  16. Geminis

    OS 9 wants cd... but WHICH one :(

    I suddenly had this morning the weirdest prob: When opening explorer it loads my startpage.html from my local disk, but suddenly since today explorer hangs and gives me the small dialog window, but with NO content. After a short while, eudora did the same. I was repairing the whole day with...
  17. Geminis

    Help! Display Color are inverted?!

    Everyone thanks for the replies!!! Cybergoober I went to Universal Access and swithced to grayscale, and then back again, that was the trick! I sure am curious how this happened, out of the 'blue' :) Thanks again!
  18. Geminis

    Help! Display Color are inverted?!

    I started my mac this morning to find out the colors are in Black & White! Very freaky, not nice. When I Log Out or Restart the computer I see the normal blue colors for a second, but when it has restarded the colors are gonbe again... So I don't think it's a hardware problem. When opening...
  19. Geminis

    explorer dragcorner under the dock

    elander, thanks that's a solution! Hope to see a real fix in the near future, better post a comment to apple for this, not?
  20. Geminis

    explorer dragcorner under the dock

    ;) sorry for my english I have one thing that annoys me from the beginning of using the dock and couldn't find any solution here... If i open a new explorer window sometimes it gets maximized so that the bottom is under the dock. Now sometimes when I click the green button it gets smaller...