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  1. W

    Need a cgi-script in PERL...

    what do u mean by "load a template.."
  2. W

    CNET and fair judgement?

    read this:
  3. W

    Why is on 10.3 so ugly?

    they could've improved it by adding a multiplayer mode
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    Retail Build Version

    yea i pretty sure B as in beta and R as in Release
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    nativ mac osX java compiler

    i think he's asking about a java2native compiler
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    sidebar in panther finder

    well.. hmm.. nope not that.. eh.. yep that was done before... nope apple did that first... Aha!! the taskbar?
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    Favourite C++ compilers

    well wxWindows give a better windows look an feel to the apps.. and Qt dosen't really fit to the macox aqua human interface guidelines.. it's soo window-ish.. but Qt is really no-doubt well designed.
  8. W installation????

    wait a little longer.. the app is undergoing extensive modification.. so that it appears osx-like in terms of look and feel.
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    Want To Learn AppleScript

    actually professional apps also use applescript.
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    Interface builder + Java.

    it is a cocoa-java app. it is mac only since cocoa nib files are parsed by the quartz engine. yet you could create a pure java interface to the app as well which will run on all platforms.
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    Is Panther's Finder multithreaded ?

    no what it should mean is that if one window is frozen (like a samba window). Can we still use the finder nevertheless? does it respond.
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    7B85 to be GM

    your complaining about bugs in the app. The real question is does the os have any bugs. About the apps it's the individual companies problem to solve.
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    Most innovative companies... MS #1 , DELL #2, Apple #3.

    but apple is catching up. i'm not sure about dell. it think that is an error
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    Strange Java compile error...

    switch to eclipse. it is better than project builder and JBuilder. designed for java and hassle free.
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    From Win XP Pro ----> Mac OSX ...questions / help please

    actually windows users think it's better to have a central place to install and unistall everything. the reason for this? Windows Explorer. It is the worst peice of software junk u've ever seen. No one is comfortable with it and it hurts the eye. The Finder on the other hand is __always__...
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    Cocoa with C++?

    well one thing is for sure.. less bugs wint obj-c / java. cocoa apps tend to be better off than carbon apps
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    OS X vs. Linux (x86) speed?

    use C compile it natively and test test test test test then use int and doubles and test test test test test then use the interpreters but forget testing it.
  18. W

    OS X vs. Linux (x86) speed?

    i agree with lurk. compile a simple c program and test it.