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  1. C

    Equivalent snoop command for OS X?

    Thanks for the input! TcpDump or the third party ones look like they will work fine.
  2. C

    Equivalent snoop command for OS X?

    On solaris I simply type "snoop" and it gives me all the traffic on a given interface. Any such feature in OS X?
  3. C

    PHP / Apache Help... OS X Server

    The whole /etc/httpd/httpd.conf file, all 1462 lines? Or specific lines like: (some of these WERE NOT uncommented until just now. (thought the install/config was supposed to do that) but a restart of apache still didnt help) #### For Mac OS X Server: To enable WebMail, or any other php...
  4. C

    PHP / Apache Help... OS X Server

    Im running OS X server ... I downloaded the latest php and apache and used the OS X Server specific install directions from: I got no errors during ./configs, make or make install. The apache started right up. however the php test file doesnt...
  5. C

    New project! (OS X Server/Sendmail)

    Currently i have sendmail, Horde (webmail) and, php, apache, MySql running on a Solaris box in my house hosting my web and email. My friend did most of the sendmal stuff and I know sendmail ships with os x... I want to transfer everything to OS X server on my cube. I just loaded OS X Server...
  6. C

    Forgot PAssword for Base Station please help

    How do I reset? I need to make config changes. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cc
  7. C

    Any free way to print to a HP prn on Win2k?

    Setup: Dowstairs is my PB g4 wireless DCHP connection to Airport Base. The aiport Base is hardwired to linksys Router Upstairs via DHCP. Behind the Linksys is the win2k with an hp printer. The linksys serves up DCHP (192.168.1.x) to the Windoze machines adn the Airport Base Station. The...
  8. C

    FS: PowerBook G4 Memory 512mb (2x256)

    Am I asking too much? Please make me a fair offer if interested. -calvin
  9. C

    Where's the ICON?

    Start Internet Explorer (i know, i know) and goto any site. Take the icon that is appears directly to the right of the url in the address field at the top of the browser. It looks like a grey circle with an "@" sign in the middle. Drag this icon to the doc.. it creates THE ICON I want and...
  10. C

    Where's the ICON?

    Doesn't work. ctrl click only reveals "url" and it's grayed out? This icon must exist as maybe a tiff somewhere. -calvin
  11. C

    OK...Is there or is there not a Difference...

    in Office v.X retail or Academic???
  12. C

    Where's the ICON?

    On a fresh OS X install there is an Icon that is in the right hand side of the doc. The icon (or is it iCon?) is the "@" sign (ampersand) on a spring and is a shortcut to the apple url. I have tried using cmd I to get the info and asking the dudes at the apple store. but no luck. Can...
  13. C

    iPod/iTunes update question

    yes, I am very familiar with the terminal and UNIX in general. However fairly new to Macs. UNfortunately I have just paid to have the problem fixed by buying "ipod2itunes" for an unreasonable amount of money. Nonetheless THANKS!!!!!! Lessons: Be more patient. Unix Rules! regards, calvin
  14. C

    iPod/iTunes update question

    [Escape Pod] did not work. Everything went fine until I tried to copy the song over. It copied on zerobyte mp3 and then quit with error. I cant believe this is so difficult. The only reason I didnt back mny mp3's up is because they were on the iPod!!!!!
  15. C

    iPod/iTunes update question

    I did not have any luck finding an mp3 extractor that would work. please explain what ya did. I have a full ipod and a clean itunes.... -calvin
  16. C

    iPod/iTunes update question

    Just reloaded my powerbook with a fresh 10.2 install. No More os 9. I have a clean itunes music library (read: bank) and when I connect the iPod I got the following: This iPod is associated with another Music library. Would you like to associate it with this Music Library and update it...
  17. C

    Office v X on Unix File System

    Earlier today I accidentally deleted my Apps folder. No Biggie, I backup! Plus I wanted to do fresh 10.2 install and get rid of all the OS9 stuff. I chose to use the Unix File System as opposed to the MacOS Extended option when I installed OS X. When I went to load Office (Office 2001...
  18. C

    MATH/PHYSICS symbols in MS Word

    Ok.. the quartz pallete didn't do much for me that I didn't already find using the alt key with a variety of keys to get some symbols. But the equation editor sounds interesting. I did not have it as an option on my object list. Some research revealed it wasnt installed by default. The fix...
  19. C

    MATH/PHYSICS symbols in MS Word

    paragraph one, probably not what I need. paragraph two sounds intersting but not sure how to access the "quartz pallete". Paragrpah three is good too and I can use that after I figure out para 2. Thanks.. cc