Equivalent snoop command for OS X?


On solaris I simply type "snoop" and it gives me all the traffic on a given interface. Any such feature in OS X?
Do you mean:
$ netstat

Sample output attached; though it's from RedHat 8, the output is similar on Darwin.


  • netstat_out.txt
    10.8 KB · Views: 18

As far as I know, snoop is more or less a packet sniffer unlike netstat which is connection/socket oriented.

Mac OS X comes with tcpdump -- which is rather your choice. Flip through a manual/tutorial about it. Too much to explain...
Some people really do everything with it. In any other case, choose a sniffer via fink or try to compile on your own.
tcpdump should work great, I'd also STRONGLY suggest Ethereal (www.ethereal.com), which will give you a much better decode/export capability, better capture ability (the capture filtering is exactly the same, but you can save to multiple files, save to a ring buffer, etc).

Also has a lot of options for generating statistics, etc.

It also has a command-line-based utility (tethereal) if you need to do scripting or something.

You can get it from Fink, or compile it yourself.
