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  1. K

    a Test

    I don't see it. I tested it in Opera and IE on a PC, but it just loaded regulary. Kris
  2. K

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    Hmhm.. no, not really. I've read some by Confucious, that's all. Not much, though. Perhaps I should. Kris
  3. K

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    I know, things usually turn out alright anyway. Doesn't mean one shouldn't work, but just that there's no need to worry too much, as I sometimes tend to do. :rolleyes: Kris
  4. K

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    nkuvu: Where are you moving? To a new city, or just changing residence? Oh.. and talking about tests and exams.. Anyone got some advice on how to not stress, or how to stress-down? Kris
  5. K

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    Yes, I were taught several langugages at school. English, French and my mothertongue (I could also chose Spanish if I wanted too). I've always done well in English and very well in my mothertongue. French on the other hand, never caught my interest. Anyway. The problem with school was the noise...
  6. K

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    Well. I'm not a product of the American school system, but since we're talking about school, I wold like to add something. Did you guys ever feel you really got a chance to learn maximum, and to use your, let me call it; "gifts"? A possible scenario: Some students are motivated, some are...
  7. K

    A Musical Tribute to Mac OS X! :)

    Wow! Amazing. I totally love it! :) Kris
  8. K

    XFree86 4.2.0 : I'm Impressed !

    I agree with you, 96.9, XFree86 is nice. And the installation is smooth and easy. But I hardly use XDarwin nowadays. I used to use it for MacGIMP, but when I re-installed and got Photoshop, I didn't install it again. What do you use XDarwin for? Can you recommend some useful programs for...
  9. K

    Some Java Questions

    It worked! Thanks. It looks so much better now, though it will be a bit "stressy" to always write the "-Xdock:name"-sentence at the java line in the Terminal. But it'll do for now. :) I must say I'm positively surprised by the fact that Java doesn't feel like Java in Mac OS X. But some of the...
  10. K

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    I would not use the word "murdering".. Not very suitable, though you do end a human life at an very early age. And that's why it's not an easy decision. Here, where I live, it was once a bunch of demonstrators outside one of the hospitals. At the hospital, some abortions had been made. The...
  11. K

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    :) Alright. First, let me say I agree a lot with you nkuvu. Some of the women that get pregnant today, isn't really ready to be mothers, in some way or another. For them an abortion could be a really good solution, but let's not forget that an abortion isn't "just an abortion". It's a...
  12. K

    Subscribing to threads

    There should definitely be a way around the mail-notification. The admins, or the owners of the board, should add this feature if it's possible. What do you guyes do? Do you subscribe to the threads or do you just remember the theads you partcipated in? I keep forgetting, that's why I...
  13. K

    Some Java Questions

    This sets the title on the specific frame, which is not quite what I mean. (Sorry for being unclear.) What I'm talking about is the title on the menubar, at the top of the screen. I want to put a name where every program has a name, right next to the little Apple. But thank you anyway for...
  14. K

    Subscribing to threads

    When I participate in a thread, I'd like to see when someone has replied. I therefor click at the "subscribe to this thread"-button. Then I can easily access the threads from my user cp. - But at the same time, my mailbox gets filled up, which is not very nice. Is it possible to only subscribe...
  15. K

    Jaguar Observations...

    That old black and white spinning thing, was a beach ball, right? I think I read that once, in a book by Apple. But I'm not quite sure, it was a long time ago. Kris
  16. K

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    I'd love to discuss som heavy topics, like abortion, but is it wise? :) Kris
  17. K

    first mac?

    My addiction started with the Powerbook 160. It had 25MHz, 100 Mb HD, and 4 Mb of RAM. It works well today too, running the old System 7. We bough the Performa 6200/75 six months later, and ever since there has only been Macs for me. :) Kris
  18. K

    Did anyone notice?

    I've only seen the scrollbars in IE on a PC. A bit ironic actually. The forum is (mainly) for Mac people, but it uses a script that only PC users (as far as I know) can see... ;) Kris
  19. K

    Favorite Movies

    My favourite movies (unlisted): :) : Das Boot (Director's Cut) (No-one else seen this 3 1/2 houres long German movie?) : The Matrix : The Crow : Alien (the first) And probably some more I can't recall at the moment.. Kris
  20. K

    Some Java Questions

    Thanks guys! :) I tested out what you wrote iconara, and it worked. But not perfectly though. It works if my classes are empty, but if I write some code in them, the compiler gives me an error, where it says I already declared the class in the opposite (meaning the class that calls the other...