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  1. G

    what the heck, did they remove the webpage export feature in iPhoto2?

    Did you try some .nib hacking to see if the functionality is still there but the interface was removed?
  2. G

    [HOWTO] Make the Shared directory behave as a truly shared directory.

    Rather than use /Users/Shared as a basis for your shared directory, I suggest leaving it be with Apple's defaults and creating another directory (such as /public). It is very possible that a future installer or system update or even the Repair Permissions function of Disk Utility will reverse...
  3. G

    [FAQ] "Hidden" Files

    It is also possible to selectively make files & directories invisible rather easily. If the file/directory is on the root level, the easiest solution is probably to add 'dirname' (where 'dirname' is the file/directory to be hidden) to the .hidden file that lists items on the root level of the...
  4. G

    Where is

    gatorparrots% host has address mail is handled (pri=20) by
  5. G

    [HOWTO] Move the swapdir in Jaguar

    No, fstabs are not necessary. Mike Bombich's technique is for OS X 10.1.x. He explicitly notes on his page on the topic: (
  6. G

    Open app not visible in dock?

    I'm the cause of all this *smile*. I noticed the plethora of threads all about the same topic and posted the same response at the end of each one. Obviously it got a moderators attention and they merged them all together, which they should have been in the first place if someone would have done...
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    Can you post your .plist as an attachment so we can drop it in as a replacement for the default that comes with Pith Helmet?
  8. G


    In case others don't know about it: Pith Helmet 0.2 The PithHelmet adds some some basic but powerful content filtering to Apple's Safari browser. The basic purpose is to filter advertisements, but there are other potential uses as well (blocking Flash, Shockwave or horrible midi loops)...
  9. G

    Open app not visible in dock?

    Dockless should do the trick:
  10. G

    How do I make an existing folder hidden?

    Yes, you can make any directory invisible. If it is on the root level, the easiest solution is probably to add dirname to the .hidden file that lists items on the root level of the boot volume (/) to keep hidden from the Finder, then restart the Finder. Lanuch the and issue these...
  11. G

    [FAQ] "Hidden" Files

    If the invibility bit has been set by another method than prepending a . before the filename, you may be better off with an application that can hide/show these files/folders that have an 'invisible' flag set...
  12. G

    [FAQ] "Hidden" Files

    You can show and hide invisible . files (dotfiles) in the Finder using the defaults command in the Terminal: Show all: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles '1' Hide all: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles '0' Then relaunch the Finder: kill -1 `ps auxc | grep...
  13. G

    Anyone use the Terminal split window?

    I haven't found it too useful. A better feature is tabbed shells:
  14. G

    SSL-wrapped mail server

    This is ultimately what I arrived at: SMTP stunnel wrapped SMTP with Postfix. Sendmail-tls was just too much of a monstrosity to manage. POP3 Qpopper has a configure option during compile: --with-openssl More here: So you can do it that route...
  15. G

    ssl / ftp question

    stunnel can wrap your existing FTP server with SSL support. fink install stunnel is the easiest way to install stunnel. Generate your self-signed Open SSL cert and you should be in business.
  16. G

    IP address

    If you are in a DHCP situation and find your IP address frequently changing, here is an easy way to determine it: ipconfig getifaddr en0 and an alternate (albeit more convoluted method): ifconfig en0 inet | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' If you are behind a router and need your external IP...
  17. G


    See this thread:
  18. G

    iso to img conversion

    That's the whole point of DiskCopy and .dmg/.img files: to the OS, they are a disc/disk image. Originally DiskCopy was intended to create images of floppies, but now the paradigm has been extended to include CDs, DVDs, and now other more exotic virtual drive types.
  19. G

    Htaccess files

    TinkerTool (a System Preference pane) has an option to hide/show invisible files in the Finder. You can also accomplish this with the defaults command: Show all: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles '1' Hide all: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles '0' Then relaunch...
  20. G

    Creating System Users with PHP?

    There's some pretty comprehensive information in this thread, as well as links to prefab adduser scripts. Use as is, or dissect and incorporate into your own scripts: