Search results

  1. octane

    Mini iPod praise...

    The Mini iPod gets more adoration. Also, a mention of the lost-but-not-forgotten Connect to Server feature from Jaguar that didn't make the leap to Panther:
  2. octane

    Apple's iTunes Vs. Roxio's Napster...

    'Ears an article that'll no doubt be sweet music to iTunes fans [me being one of 'em]...
  3. octane

    Toast doesn't burn 800MB CD-Rs ?

    This is _way_ off-topic, but Veljo, that avatar of yours looks unerringly like me posing for a mens clothes catalogue. I'm not kidding! Stop it, it's scaring me... :confused: :D Back on-topic. Yes, the Finder burn could be worth a pop...
  4. octane

    a more extreme AirPort Extreme?..

    I have my foibles...
  5. octane

    Toast doesn't burn 800MB CD-Rs ?

    Either the feature is there, or it's due in an update. In the meantime [and this is only a guess given I've never even seen a 800 meg cd] try: Utilities -> Create Temporary Partition... And see what that does. Hope that helps?..
  6. octane

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Heaven - Green Court Remix by DJ Sammy & Yanou Feat. Do I'm in a electroniqué sort of mood this morning...
  7. octane

    Thoughts on a new site of mine?

    Whichever way you choose to have the navigation tabs, I'd have the chosen tab / page highlighted in someway so the user knows where they are. Move the legal stuff from the bottom left to the bottom right, it's too close to the navigation menu. The colorized titles are nice, but they're...
  8. octane

    .bmp pictures not displaying in browsers

    Well use Mozilla then. You've solved your own problem. It's worth reiterating that .bmp is not a web standard image format. The closest it gets to the web is .wbmp for mobile phones. It's too big for the web, that's why it's not supported. Send a link to one of the sites you're...
  9. octane

    Where is the vaunted OSX stability?

    As an aside [off=topic .. slightly, sorry!] has anyone tried doing this into / onto / within Citrix? I have. It's a big bag of bananas. Anyway [back on-topic] the Explorer method looks as though it _should_ be intuitive, but I find it to be a little clunkier than a regular ftp client...
  10. octane

    XBox 2 software being developed on a G5!

    There's an interesting side-benefit here for Apple. While Motorola had problems justifying the development of the G4, IBM had no such problems, largely because of scale. However, their Fishkill plant had been struggling a little recently with not as many contracts as IBM would have liked...
  11. octane

    G5 with floppy drive?!?!

    Beige! Who the hell thought that would be a good colo[u]r for a computer enclosure? It's like how nearly all accountancy practices I've come across go for the off-white, hint of magnolia for their brochures and literature. Blah!.. :confused:
  12. octane

    Where is the vaunted OSX stability?

    Yep, forgot about that one. Add it to the list. But this only happens on the iBook, I've never had a problem with the keyboard button on my G4...
  13. octane

    G5 with floppy drive?!?!

    Fryke made a good point, at a glance [with head to one side while squinting] it could be mistaken for a G5 .. at a push. So if you're going to have a Linux box doing a little mail serving, you might as well as have one that's at _least_ a little something like the real thing...
  14. octane

    G5 with floppy drive?!?!

    I haven't used 'removable media' in a long time. Floppy drives are a very distant memory, and all though I'm on to my second [or is it my third?] Zip drive, I haven't used it in over 2 years. I have broadband, that's the way forward -- point-to-point transfer...
  15. octane

    .bmp pictures not displaying in browsers

    Not really, and you might be waiting and _long_ time. If you want an image in a web page, use a more suitable format. Just open up your .bmp images and save them out as either .jpg or .gif. Dead easy!..
  16. octane

    yes_another_ windows flaw...

    OK, if this thread doesn't get kicked into touch, it's certainly going to end in the Café the way it's going. As far as I'm concerned, I've said my piece. Unless anyone else wants this thread to drag on -- which it no doubt will -- or further antagonize me, I'm off! Work, social life, that...
  17. octane

    yes_another_ windows flaw...

    Germanic is collective term, so yes you are .. and so are Sweden and Norway but sadly not Finland I'm afraid. Strangely enough, so am I. And just to nip this one in the bud, what I said is in no way a racist sleight. It's a turn of phrase like German efficiency, or British resolve...
  18. octane

    yes_another_ windows flaw...

    I like a little fun, a joke here and there and I'm really just one big pussy cat. If you follow my posts, you'll see I'm fine if left alone to my own devices. But that's clearly not enough for some. I seem to be picking up a theme; whether a moderator is right or wrong or if they come at...
  19. octane is wining the arstechnica poll

    Unfortunately, not for me at the time .. bummer :( Now, where did I leave that time machine?..
  20. octane

    Just when I thought my nation had some credibility!

    OK, I just misunderstood you. :D Cut out the middleman, believe in yourself...