The Borg were rumored on Slashdot to be examining with adroit scrutiny the Linux kernel. The Borg know that its kernel is not as stable Unix, BSD, or Linux. It has always played follow the leader with its OSes, hell, Apple purchased NextStep for the operating system and underlying technology. The thing to keep in mind is that the OS is a completely separate entity from the GUI (M$ is the exception - the Windows Desktop is part of the kernel and adds instability to the OS among other gping security holes). It hink The Borg are finally starting to think around the lines of 'Lindows', having a Linux-like kernel with Windows APIs. From the userland perspective, the olny thing that is likely to change is significantly increased system stability and better multitasking and protected memory. Other than that, it will 'be' Windows. Another thing to consider, Intel may be able to get its processors up to 10,000MHz in 10 years time as projected, but the power requirements for doing that will be astronomical. Increasing the core frequency usually involves first increasing the power requirements and then optimizing teh design for lower power. I think that processor design will now focus on making them much more efficient, getting more done with less frequency than simply increasing the clock rate. The real reason The Borg are developing XBox 2 on the PowerMac G5 is because the PowerPC instruction set is pretty much teh same, it doesn't change that much. So developing games using the G5 will be very similar to developing on XBox 2 processor. The Borg need something NOW to start development, it's not like it can go out and purchase PowerPC 970-enabled PCs to develop on, that will NEVER happen, the PowerPC 970 is both an Apple and IBM design, not soley IBM.