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  1. Dekatophil

    QT licensing

    QT 6 is out and again our Pro keys are worth zero. Now, Apple wants me to buy the third Pro key in 3 years. Personally, I think that's a bit much. I'm a private user but like Pro features like full-screen display video exporting etc... What do y'all think, is Apple charging too much/too...
  2. Dekatophil

    Imation ?

    Wow, strange, I never got floppies to work under OS X. Under 9, there was no problem, of course. Funny. Any ideas what might've gone wrong ? In OS X, floppies just wouldn't mount...
  3. Dekatophil

    Imation ?

    What about floppies ? Did you get those to work ?
  4. Dekatophil

    Imation ?

    Hello everybody ! Does anyone know whether Imation SuperDisks work (through a USB SuperDisk Drive) with MacOS X or whether Apple plans to support it in Jaguar... ?
  5. Dekatophil

    Blubster client ?

    Does anyone know whether there is a mac client to use with blubster ? It's a nice community :D
  6. Dekatophil

    Need help configuring my DSL modem connection

    We-ell. That's just too few info "I need to connect manually". What info did your ISP give you ? Username and password ? Did he give you an IP ? (You don't have to give me the username/password of course. Just need to know what your ISP told you, if anything). What ISP do you use ?
  7. Dekatophil

    How to get a microphone to work

    Mac Wiz: Thanks for the tip. Luckily, there's no danger for me using a PC (at least at home;-). Ricky, I've gotten hold of an older Plain Talk mic. It works okay. Would have prefered the headset to work like that tho'... Still, the quality isn't too bad. Maybe I'll try out USB as well these...
  8. Dekatophil

    Conflict Catcher wouldn't help

    Conflict Catcher adressed different problems in OS 9. This is not exactly comparable to OS X. First thing you should do is write down the error messages in the text scrolling down your screen when you get a kernel panic. Valuable information in there ! Once we have a hint on what is going on...
  9. Dekatophil

    How do I delete programs from the Applications folder?

    starfleeX wrote: * Open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilites/ * Type in "sudo rm -R " less the quotes and with the trailing space. DON'T press return yet. * Go to the Finder and find the offending file/folder you wish to delete. * Drag said file into the Terminal window -- the...
  10. Dekatophil

    Yahoo Messenger...

    Hey guys, does anyone know whether Yahoo is planning to include VoiceChat with its Mac version. Comes in very useful and saves a lot of money... So, any info/rumors ?
  11. Dekatophil

    OSX Internet Q

    I don't use Tiscali but if your ISP uses standard protocols it should work with OS X. You just need the specs (depending on whether you use DialUp or PPoE or else) and enter them. There should be no problem at all. If you have a specific problem, feel free to ask.
  12. Dekatophil

    How to get a microphone to work

    okay, I just figured out that my G4/PCI only works with a "Plain Talk" compatible mic. Not with the standard "electret condenser type" microphone... That means, I indeed need a different plug... :mad:
  13. Dekatophil

    How to get a microphone to work

    AND, BTW, sound out works okay with any standard jack, so... Funny. :eek:
  14. Dekatophil

    How to get a microphone to work

    Yeah. I didn't mean to whine :rolleyes: It's just a little annoying when you buy a nice headset and find out it doesn't work with your Mac. And sure, most things are standard nowadays on a Mac, so no worrying about USB etc... I even got a internal Toshiba Combo drive to work with my Mac...
  15. Dekatophil

    Getting a new HD...

    Great. Ed, I replaced my internal 5400 with a 7200 and I assure you the difference is tremendous. I also use a 5400 via FireWire. Via FireWire there is hardly a difference but internally with paging and all it is quite noticeable...
  16. Dekatophil

    How to get a microphone to work

    Oh, I see. (Good job Apple !). Well, do you know of any adapter ? BTW, there are thousands of cool mics/headsets out there. Isn't it great that, as a Mac users, you can only use a tiny fraction of that ? For no reason at all... I feel so special ;)
  17. Dekatophil


    Do you use it with OS X or 9 ? I try to get it to work under X. Even though I select the correct input source (in the speech system preference panel).
  18. Dekatophil

    Getting a new HD...

    Still, a 7200 drive makes all the difference. To me it felt like my machine (G4/400) was 50% faster. It isn't really much louder either (is it at all ?) Just my 2 cents :cool:
  19. Dekatophil


    Has anybody ever gotten a regular (non-USB) external microphone to work with their G4 ???
  20. Dekatophil

    How to get a microphone to work

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to get a Labtec/ Axis-521 microphone to work on my G4/PCI. Connection is through the sound-in port (with the microphone icon underneath it) but it doesn't work. Turning on Apple Speakable Items doesn't help either... The computer just doesn't "take any sound"...