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  1. Keldud7

    Trying to Download Windows Media Player! Not working...:o(

    thanks a bunch, I'll try that. :o)
  2. Keldud7

    Trying to Download Windows Media Player! Not working...:o(

    Right. I'm running OSX. So I should be able to download version 9, right?
  3. Keldud7

    Trying to Download Windows Media Player! Not working...:o(

    Hi there. Sorry bout that. I am trying to download version 9.0 of media player and I'm running 10.4.2
  4. Keldud7

    Trying to Download Windows Media Player! Not working...:o(

    Hi there. Yes, I am going to the other side, to download Windows Media player, so I can watch wmv files. Anyway, I went to macdownloads and downloaded it. It's a sitx file. I tried opening it with Stuffit Expander. Should I try a different app? When I try using Stuffit, it gives me a message...
  5. Keldud7

    Random question about CDR's and MP3's....

    Hi there. I heard that there is a way to put over a hundred mp3's on one CDR, because Mp3 files are actually quite small, and normal CDR's can hold 700 MB. :confused: Is this true and if so, how does one do this?? Thanks so much. Have a gr8 day.
  6. Keldud7

    Iphoto Problems

    Hi there. Back to the iPhoto problem...Some of the pictures look corrupted, because on the bottom of some there is a gray line or an array of colors in a line. How did this happen? But there are others that appear not to be corrupt and they are all in JPG or GIF format. How do I import the...
  7. Keldud7

    Account user: how do I erase user information in order to sell to someone?

    Hi again. I tried going through Disk Utility and it won't let me change the Volume Format to Mac OS Extended. It says Mac OS Standard. I didn't tell u what kind I have either, it's an Power mac G4. It runs 10.2.8. Dunno if that helps or not, but thanks for all the suggestions. :o)
  8. Keldud7

    Account user: how do I erase user information in order to sell to someone?

    Hi there. I am trying to get all of my info off my desktop so I can sell it. I deleted all of my documents/files, and programs that were not already on it when I bought it. How do I get rid of the user name? Is there anything else I need to do? Thanks.
  9. Keldud7

    Screensaver & desktop pics being WEIRD

    Yes, thank you. I got the 6-pin to 6-pin firewire today and transferred a bunch of files. It didn't let me transfer my mp3s tho, or I didn't do it right (prob the latter). Any suggestions?
  10. Keldud7

    HELP Please! Trying to tranfser files from Mac to Mac! How?

    thanks! got it! Is there a way to transfer mp3 files?
  11. Keldud7

    HELP Please! Trying to tranfser files from Mac to Mac! How?

    Hi there. I have an emac G4 desktop and a Powerbook G4...I am trying to transfer the files from the desktop to my laptop. I got the firewire cable hooked up, now what? I've never done "networking" before. I was using a jump drive and it took forever and was very tedious, I am hoping this will...
  12. Keldud7

    Screensaver & desktop pics being WEIRD

    yes it does! Thanks a bunch. Any suggestions about the pics?
  13. Keldud7

    Screensaver & desktop pics being WEIRD

    a random question: Is there such thing as a firewire cable with the same looking ends? I know that's a way to transfer files, but I don't think I have the right type of cable.
  14. Keldud7

    Screensaver & desktop pics being WEIRD

    Hi there. I didn't use "command + O." I can select my photos but only a select few show up in the actual screensaver. Do u think it could be how the files were transferred? I used a jump drive. And some of the pics look to be deformed for lack of a better word, just towards the bottom of it.
  15. Keldud7

    Screensaver & desktop pics being WEIRD

    I went and moved all my pics into the iPhoto Library folder and now I have an option in the system pref (Library, Last roll, Last 12 Months). But it won't let me put add my pics to the iPhoto Library...won't let me import them into the actual program. ???
  16. Keldud7

    Screensaver & desktop pics being WEIRD

    Hi there. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I'm running 10.4. I imported the pics into a new folder I made which was under iPhoto Library. I selected "Desktop & Screensaver" in system pref, but I don't see a place to select "Library Slideshow." Where is that?
  17. Keldud7

    Screensaver & desktop pics being WEIRD

    Hi there. I just got a new powerbook...I tranferred my pics onto it and tried making my screensaver use the pictures folder I wanted to use. But it just selects the same 4 or 5 pics and repeats them over and over...Same thing happens with the wallpaper. Any thoughts/suggestions? I can't find...
  18. Keldud7

    CD-RW problem

    Thanks to both of ya. I got it workin. I had to change the preferences. :o) Have a good one!
  19. Keldud7

    CD-RW problem

    There's nothing on the disc, it's new and blank, but I will try it. :o) Thanks!
  20. Keldud7

    CD-RW problem

    Hi there. I'm trying to put a word document or any document on a blank cd-rw disc. i put it in the drive and nothing icon or anything...should I be doing something different? Thanks for any help! :o) Have a gr8 day & God bless! ~Kelley