Account user: how do I erase user information in order to sell to someone?


Hi there. I am trying to get all of my info off my desktop so I can sell it. I deleted all of my documents/files, and programs that were not already on it when I bought it. How do I get rid of the user name? Is there anything else I need to do? Thanks.
Go to System Preferences and open Network and Accounts to change names and passwords.

From the finder, do a "Secure Empty Trash" under Finder.
Simply reformat the hard drive and reinstall OS X. Boot from the original Software Restore CDs/DVDs that came with the computer, and when presented with an installer menu, select "Disk Utility" from either the "Installer" or "Utilities" menu. Highlight the hard drive, click the "Erase" tab, select "Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and the rest is pretty self-explanatory.

Then, quit Disk Utility, and follow the menus to install a fresh copy of Mac OS X. That way, when the new owner gets the computer, they'll have a fresh copy of OS X waiting for them to personalize how they see fit.

There's no sense in trying to take what's already on there and salvage it, since you won't be in possession of the computer anymore.
Going off what ElDiabloConCaca said, you're best off doing a full format of your computer (writing zeros to disk), the reinstall a new copy of your OS. Not only will it be faster, but this will eliminate any rogue files and important data you may leave behind by accident.
Hi again. I tried going through Disk Utility and it won't let me change the Volume Format to Mac OS Extended. It says Mac OS Standard. I didn't tell u what kind I have either, it's an Power mac G4. It runs 10.2.8. Dunno if that helps or not, but thanks for all the suggestions. :o)
You'll need to run Disk Utility off the Mac OS X install CD to change the volume format.
What Veljo said --

Imagine trying to fill up your car with gas while you're still driving -- can't do it. Same way with computers -- you can't make these kinds of changes to the operating system while you're using the operating system. Booting from the Mac OS X Install CD and then formatting the drive will allow this, though, since you will no longer be booted from the internal drive.