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  1. ulrik

    I got to see Episode II today!

    Maybe in your version...:rolleyes: :p (of course it was Endor...)
  2. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    I am quite sure it is american pie two, the scene where he then somehow ends up naked on the roof of his father with his hand glued to...well...himself, and is taken away by the police or something like that....I think he thought the glue was something different, Vaseline or something, I really...
  3. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    Ah...yes! Part 2 IIRC. Your turn :D
  4. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    I wasn't sure about ID4, so I wanted to wait till it is verified, but since you already posted the next quote... damn...I know that quote, I even have the movie, but I just can't remember the name....
  5. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    Independence Day
  6. ulrik

    Piping Tar datastream over SSH

    :D Millions of thanx :D
  7. ulrik

    How can Apple justify their prices when they have fallen to far behind?!

    Some poeple buy a BMW 7series, others buy a cheaper Porsche 911 Carrera. Both tend to travel at the same average speed. Nuff said...
  8. ulrik

    Piping Tar datastream over SSH

    Hmm...since you already solved this without a problem....I need the clarify myself. I need it exactly in the other direction :D FROM the remote machine TO my machine... how would the syntax for that machine look like??? thanx for the great help!!! :)
  9. ulrik

    Piping Tar datastream over SSH

    Is it possible to pipe the output datastream of tar over an SSH connection? Let's say I am logging in to a remote server via SSH and want to make a backup, taring some files before moving them to my computer. Is it possible to tell tar that it shouldn't create the archive on the remote host...
  10. ulrik

    New iMac for my mother

    I bought seven TFTs till in my life (excluding organizer and smartphones). Three of them (my old Celeron 400 Notebook, my Cinema Display and a 15'' TFT from my brother) came with dead pixels, 2 on the notebook, three on my Cinema Display, one on the 15'' TFT. Not one of them really "annoys"...
  11. ulrik

    I got to see Episode II today!

    Good one, Racer :D You forgot "If you can read this, you don't need glasses"... hey, that would be something for the movie quotes thread :p
  12. ulrik

    I got to see Episode II today!

    Well, I don't remember that much about that movie since my brain stopped working after the first two shots with Jar Jar, but I'll give my best. The movie starts with Qui-Gon Gin-Deng-Dong and Obi Wan 'Ben' Kenobi who are trying to solve the situation on the planet Naboo. The people of Naboo...
  13. ulrik

    A big blow to the PC community: Nothing Real to discontinue Shake support for Windows

    You can't just switch a render farm from one OS to another. It costs thousands of dollars! If you want to keep your personal, they have to be trained in Linux! I can't give specific numbers, but I can guess that a mid-sized render farm costs at least 8 or 9 thousand dollars a day, so every day...
  14. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    Is that the quote??? Don't you think it's a bit too....common?? :D
  15. ulrik

    A big blow to the PC community: Nothing Real to discontinue Shake support for Windows

    Still, Microsoft often bought companies which produced software they just wanted not to be released. So they bought the company and shut down the software development to secure their market share. I don't say that it is a bad move from Apple, all I say is that IMHO, it's close to what...
  16. ulrik

    A big blow to the PC community: Nothing Real to discontinue Shake support for Windows

    I am not that thrilled... These marketing tactics are what made Microsoft what it is today...a company most people hate. Allthough I am happy that Apple will gain marketshare by this, they managed it with pure money! They bought Nothing Real and now they discontinue the windows ports...
  17. ulrik

    I got to see Episode II today!

    The shield goes down, Lando and the best of the rest chase down into the unfinished death star. Meanwhile, on Tatooine, the Ewooks realise that Han and his fellows only used them to win the battle against the Empire and start a revolt, killing Han (a very dramatic scene, he dies while saving...
  18. ulrik

    Congrats to Ulrik!

    First, I have no clue about algae control. All I can tell is - as you can see from the pic - that every four weeks we (usually me or my father) have to clean the pond because the water is too *green* to see something. We then just catch the fishes, put them somewhere else (bathtube or...
  19. ulrik


    I can't say much about the interface, it has been a long time since I used it, since I am running the terminal client. While SETI seems a bit more "funny" to me, I just see more sense in FAH, but as I said, it's a matter of personal taste. You like SETI, I like FAH :D
  20. ulrik

    Port switcher for Mac/PC

    Dr. Bott is a german company. They got famous in the US with the DVIator, which was even long time featured on the Apple site. Check