I got to see Episode II today!


Man, did it ever live up to the hype... this is the best SW film since Empire! Holy crap was it good...

My wife works in the film advertising biz, so we scored passes to a industry screening. It wasn't even crowded.

Any SW fan is going to love it... The Phantom Menace pales in comparision to it.

Anakin's character is developed well and his relationships with others is finally starting to show how this boy could become a Dark Lord of the Sith.

The battles are fantastically over the top and Yoda kicks some major ass.

I feel like a kid again.
The Phantom Menace pales in comparison to it? No way!

Great, rinse, now you got me all excited about seeing it. My life was so much easier when I didn't give a crap about the second Star Wars movie. :D

-the valrus
I just can't get into SW... However, I did a lot of great things about Episode II. Hopefully it's way better than Episode I... Boy, did THAT movie stunk...
I know a guy slept in a sleeping bag outside the cinema here in Oslo. He will be so excited to hear this!
I think the movies are cool to.. But I'm not a fanatic! Looking forward to see it though!
rinse, you have got to be the luckiest member of this board ... i can hardly keep my pants on waiting another two weeks to see it ... lol... :D :D at least i now know it's going to be as good as it looks!
Did anybody see the guy on TechTV who moved his entire web design business into a tent outside the theater so he could still work and be in line for Episode II? He had wireless T1 and everything. He had his OS X startup screen shown on national tv that said something like: "Mac OS X: because windows sucks." That was great to see. If you missed it, you can probably watch today's reruns of TechLive and catch it. If you don't get TechTV, oh well.
Originally posted by voice-
Tell me, did they finally kill off Ja-Jar Binks?

while i wont give any spoilers away, let's just say that Jar Jar plays a pivotal role in this film... one that fits his dumb ass well.
Originally posted by ebolag4
Did anybody see the guy on TechTV who moved his entire web design business into a tent outside the theater so he could still work and be in line for Episode II? He had wireless T1 and everything. He had his OS X startup screen shown on national tv that said something like: "Mac OS X: because windows sucks." That was great to see. If you missed it, you can probably watch today's reruns of TechLive and catch it. If you don't get TechTV, oh well.

Erm, I have to admit that I'm not too keen on having people think that nuts who do web design in tents outside the theater waiting for Star Wars Episode II are representative of the Mac culture.

On second thought, though, that's not too bad. :D

-the valrus
Originally posted by Valrus

Erm, I have to admit that I'm not too keen on having people think that nuts who do web design in tents outside the theater waiting for Star Wars Episode II are representative of the Mac culture.

On second thought, though, that's not too bad. :D

-the valrus

... here's to the crazy ones, the misfits ... think different!
doing web design in a tent outside a cinema waiting for episode II is definitely representative of mac culture ... :D :D
Is EpII made for kids like EpI was? I hated that... as soon as money is really involved, stuff starts to suck. OH YEAH! I heard that a member of N sync or the BBoys was going to be in it? is that true?
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
Is EpII made for kids like EpI was?

nope. it's rather dark, as the story is not about a kid, like ep I one, it's about the clone wars ...
check here or here to find out more ...

Originally posted by Nummi_G4
I hated that... as soon as money is really involved, stuff starts to suck.

like apple? :D seriously now, lucas isn't doing this for the money, he's stinking rich already... he's doing it ... because he can, rather similar to our beloved mr. jobs actually...

Originally posted by Nummi_G4
OH YEAH! I heard that a member of N sync or the BBoys was going to be in it? is that true?

some members of nsync are apparently in a mass scene as jedis... but you can't see they them particularly well and no, they do not sing ... :D
Hey how does "return of the jedi" end?
I was watching that last nite on TV but was too tired to stay up and see it. I stopped watching after teh shield came down:)
Blasphemer! Admiral, tell me you've seen Jedi more than once already!

Just kiddin'. How do you think it ends? The good guys win, the bad guys lose in a way that they are made to be not so bad after all, and everyone parties.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Hey how does "return of the jedi" end?
I was watching that last nite on TV but was too tired to stay up and see it. I stopped watching after teh shield came down:)

The shield goes down, Lando and the best of the rest chase down into the unfinished death star. Meanwhile, on Tatooine, the Ewooks realise that Han and his fellows only used them to win the battle against the Empire and start a revolt, killing Han (a very dramatic scene, he dies while saving princess Leia).
Luke, Leia and Chewbacca manage to flee on those kewl speeder bikes, but Luke gets shot down by an AT-AT, one of those four legged walkers from Episode 5, and is then brought to Vader and the Emperor, aboard the new Death Star. The Imperial troops reclaim the shield emitter, quickly repair and restore the shield, so Lando and the rest are effectively trapped in the Death Star. Now the really cool part begins. Luke starts to battle Darth Vader and the Emperor, but is too weak, nearly looses. Seconds before the Emperor can land his final blow, Lando and the Falcon smash through the top and drop some Killa-Ewoks (who are still on the side of the Rebellion...quite confusing if you watch it the first time) which distract the Emperor and Darth Vader by making funny noises. Luke gets his light saber and quickly kills the Emperor. He tries to save his father, Darth, but he is too heavily injured from the battle against Luke and dies...he is then carried away by the Killa-Ewoks...I think they built a muppet or something from him for the end sceremony.
Luke enters the Falcon and they manage to find the core of the Death Star. Like throws his lightsaber out of the Falcon directly into the core and destroys the Death star. Meanwhile, the Leia returned to Endor with some more Rebells and once again dropped the shield (that's the part where I found the plot was to "constructed") so Lando, this funny little guy with the big, black eyes (a Sullust, by the way) and Luke escape, Darth dead, Emperor dead, Luke alive, everybody happy, big sceremony...

:D :D :D :p :D :D :D

Looks like the above post was about 10,000 characters. :D

It also shows that people really care at macosx.com, to make posts so large :p :) ;)