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  1. E

    Pervasive system crashes, minimal uptimes

    I've been wondering about hardware problems too. Doesn't the system check RAM on startup? But I've had RAM problems on other Macs before that weren't caught by system diagnostics... I doubt the problem is related to sleep, but it might be. It's only locked up once coming out of sleep. I will...
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    Pervasive system crashes, minimal uptimes

    I get the impression that most people are reporting excellent stability under OS X. Sadly, that is not the case for me. I have had nine system crashes requiring a hard restart since I installed OS X v. 10.1 on October 10. This means my uptime is averaging about three days. Actually, I think the...
  3. E

    Font panel gone in Cocoa apps

    I'm not sure what caused this, but it happened sometime after I installed OS X 10.1. The font panel stopped working in Cocoa Apps. It didn't die all at once; first it stopped working in TextEdit, then it stopped working in Fire; now it doesn't seem to work in any Coca app. Which is really a...
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    Cd-Burning on MacOS 10.1

    This is slightly off topic, but has anyone had any luck burning the Developer tools? I know I can burn using my CD-RW, because I've done it before. The problem here doesn't seem to be burning the data; I never even get that far. I get a -50 error just copying the files from the Disk image to the...
  5. E

    OS X Stickies

    Looks like you're right. At least, I have a file by that name in my ~/Library folder. I found out by ftp-ing in from work and selecting "show files starting with a '.' on server" in my Windows FTP client. If I wanted to get a listing from the terminal under OS X (I don't think there's any way...
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    Dock Pinning

    I'm logged in as myself (which is not the administrative account) at the console now anyway, I'll definitely have to log out and then back in as the administrator to see if it worked.
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    Dock Pinning

    I just logged in remotely from work (in NT land, unfortunately) via ssh as the administrator, and typed in "defaults write pinning middle." Now, when I get home tonight, I'll be able to find out if it actually worked. Thanks for the info.
  8. E

    OS X Stickies

    I'll have to hunt around on my system some more when I get home. Unfortunately, I'm at work right now, and forced (at gunpoint) to use an NT box. I've been seeing what files are installed in my home directory by ftp-ing there, and I suppose I could do some searching for filenames by ssh-ing in...
  9. E

    OS X Stickies

    You're SURE there's no file called in your ~/Library/Preferences folder? (Just to reiterate, and apologies if I'm insulting your intelligence, but we are talking the Preferences folder in your Library folder in your Home directory). It's certainly not impossible that...
  10. E

    OS X Stickies

    Hmm...have you used Stickies yet? (I know, that's probably a stupid question...) But I'm assuming Stickies doesn't actually create its preference file until you run it and save a sticky note. This gives me an idea,'s always bothered me how, if you don't already have a note created...
  11. E

    OS X Stickies

    ~/Library/Preferences/ (Which, if you think about it, is basically the same place under OS X as it is under OS 9.) If you double-click on this file, you'll launch Apple's Property List editor. It's not extremely intuitive how to use it, but if you poke around a bit...
  12. E

    email prgram in osx

    It could be an authentication error with your SMTP server, but normally you'll get an error message. Also, what kind of account are you using? POP, IMAP? What are your current settings for your incoming mail server?
  13. E

    Where are app support files

    I don't know this for sure, but if iMovie is set up anything like iTunes, you'll find a plugins folder for it somewhere in ~/Library. For iTunes, it's in ~/Library/iTunes/. I would therefore imagine that iMovie plugins are in ~/Library/iMovie/iMovie Plugins/ [I'm assuming you know that ~/...
  14. E

    Dock Pinning

    I installed 10.1 yesterday (I would have done it a week and a half ago, except my monitor died and I had to wait for a replacement), and noticed one strange anomaly. I logged into my administrative account (which is NOT the account I normally use) to do some administrative stuff, when I noticed...
  15. E

    Massive thrashing

    I had an odd situation arise tonight. I was just doing some web surfing, and had played a Quicktime video from CNN's website. The playback (on a DSL line) was way choppy, so I stopped it. I tried to close the browser window, and the system commenced disk thrashing for a good ten minutes. I...
  16. E

    Carbon Applications running from the Applications Folder

    Yes, my Quicken data has always been in my home directory (interestingly, Quicken can't even open my data file if it's in my home directory). But there are other files Quicken needs to write to, and it can't, because I don't have administrative rights. And no, giving myself administrative rights...
  17. E

    Carbon Applications running from the Applications Folder

    I agree that this problem is not specific to Carbon (although the use of Carbon APIs or development environments might make it harder to write well-behaved apps). I believe it's simply not writing the applications correctly. I have the feeling it's due to a hasty port of Classic Applications...
  18. E

    Carbon Applications running from the Applications Folder

    I recently installed two commercial Carbon applications under OS X, Quicken 2002 and Bryce 5, and discovered that, seemingly, neither of them can be run from the Applications folder by a user without administrative privileges. This means I HAVE to run them from my home directory, which does not...
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    is osx a true unix system

    I see what you're saying. I think the problem we have, and that Apple has most acutely, is that we have to deal with the least common denominator. Let's fantasize a bit for a moment. If the Macintosh had swept all before it back in the 1980s, and now accounted for 90% (or even 60%) of the...
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    is osx a true unix system

    I really don't want to get involved in a flame war here, but I would have to say one of the obvious good things about Unix is its stability. I keep hearing stories about Unix boxes which have run continuously without a reboot for years. The one thing I was really looking forward to in OS X...