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  1. L

    Sum1 Please Help............

    sum1 is not here right now. I didn't bother to read the rest, it gave me a headache. Unless you're 10 and are trying to be "kewl", try typing normal.
  2. L

    Download The MacOSX Features Guide!

    What's a floppy? :D
  3. L

    I need my iDisk!!!

    Does anyone know how to mount two idisks using webDAV? I use two of them all the time, and thought there *must* be a way. Although I use one more than the other, but I'd hate to have to change my Internet settings just to be able to mount that one by Go->iDisk. Thanks.
  4. L


    He Emits Radical Vocabulary Emissions And he's damn good at it, too. :D
  5. L

    Download The MacOSX Features Guide!

    In my opinion, yes. Great work btw. (In the About box, "discussion" is spelled wrong)
  6. L

    claim here your price

    Well, I think he/it has lost it. :D
  7. L

    Internet = Big Brother

    Hahahahaha...looks like the forum is now infected as well, or Hervé is just power-posting. :D
  8. L


    Be VERY careful doing this in a terminal: sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*
  9. L

    No trash on Desktop for 10.1.1 mistake, you're right, it doesn't. It's been a while since I looked at DragThing's prefs, got mixed up with "put Trash on end of dock". I could've sworn there is something, not TinkerTool I know they stopped putting the Trash on the desktop...something else... :confused:
  10. L

    Finding the right position for Herve

    How about "ichi-wan-kenobi"? (maybe someone will get that.) :D
  11. L

    They are still "selling" cubes

    While I think Hervé is a pisser, just look at his user's now the end of a power plug. :D Truly, ONE IN A MILLION...thank god. :)
  12. L is back

    What's funny is, they...err...he... "came back" the other day with the same page, then later that day it was back down again. Now he's recycling the same page with a new date on it. I don't read MOSR, I just taunt someone I know with updates, because he hates it/him so much. :) But then...
  13. L

    No trash on Desktop for 10.1.1

    I didn't follow this thread completely, but try this. I'm using DragThing, which now puts the trash on the desktop if you want it to.
  14. L

    What do you do for a living?

    digital prepress, slumlord, day-trader...i.e. scum. :D Actually, I'm a shift supervisor in a digital imaging dept. for a commercial printer working second shift (getting paid while I do this...thankyouverymuch), I own a few rental properties, and mess with the stock market (thankyouVERYmuch...
  15. L

    Steve Jobs doesn't replied on my mail

    hahahhaha, so I'm not the only one. :D
  16. L

    ARRRRRRG! (Mac OS X 10.1.2)

    Hervé, We love you man, you are truly "ONE IN A MILLION"...thank god. :D
  17. L

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    still messing current desktop.
  18. L

    installing 10.1 (from update CD)

    I don't have an answer for you, but the 8 GB/first partition thing was for beige G3's only.
  19. L

    Re-intsalling OSX changed my IP, can get back my old one?!

    A) if it's static, bitch at your ISP B) if not, it's gone. Think of using a DNS service, I use so far.
  20. L

    Wallstreet and OSX - Flaky when running from Battery

    I rarely run my wallstreet on the battery, I'm either at home or at work using it. As luck would have it, I just wanted to check something quickly, so it's running on the battery now. I've been running OS X on this pb since the middle of April, and have had ZERO kernel panics on it, I guess...