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    Whats a good mac ftp program?

    I don't want to ftp in, I want to ftp out.
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    Whats a good mac ftp program?

    I used to use filezilla for windows to transfer files to my websites and my xbox. What is a good free equivalent program for the mac?
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    SATA Wire Trouble in shipping!

    Yea, thats what I'm gonna do.
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    SATA Wire Trouble in shipping!

    The guys at the mac store couldn't get it out and said the cables had to be replaced. The cables are cheap $20 but they said it would take a couple hours labor to replace the cables since they would basically have to take apart the whole power mac just to get them to where they are supposed to...
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    SATA Wire Trouble in shipping!

    The guy who sold it to me said that I can take it to a local mac repair place and get it fixed on his bill.
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    SATA Wire Trouble in shipping!

    I just bought a power mac 2.5ghz dual processor on ebay and on the way to me in shipping the 2nd hard drive came loose and tore the plastic sata plugs for the sata cable and sata power cable out of the 2nd drive and those little plastic guides are now stuck in the sata plugs in the mac. I...
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    Xvid to DVD how?

    How do I convert my xvid movie to dvd format?
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    Outlook 2003 to Mac how?

    Forwarding them as vCards worked! Thank you very much! This saved my life!
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    Windows emulation on Power Mac G5?

    I just bought a used dual processor G5 2.5GHz with 3.5GB ram and am wondering what windows emulator to use. Guest PC or Virtual PC. Is Virtual PC even being developed anymore? I basically need it just to run outlook 2003 and my pocket pc with windows mobile 5.
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    Outlook 2003 to Mac how?

    I use Outlook 2003 on my pc to sync to my Dell Axim x51v pocket pc for the contacts and calendar but not do not use it for emails. Is there a program to convert both my calendar and contact list with notes in those individual contacts to a program for the mac? I have seen on this forum that...
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    What version of OSX should I use for my new mac?

    I just bought a Power Mac G4 500mhz with 256MB RAM off ebay for $150 including shipping and was wondering what version of OSX would run smoothly on it? It does not have an OS on it from the ebay description. It probably won't get to my house till late this week I'm guessing so I have enough...
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    Recommend me a osx word processor

    Are there any good freeware osx word processors and/or spreadsheet programs out there?
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    I need free games

    Supertux is an awesome Super Mario World clone for windows/linux/MAC.
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    Any good programs like Picasa for Mac?

    Are there any good picture viewing programs like Picasa but for Mac? I tried out iPhoto but did not like it.
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    Pocket PC using windows mobile 5 in Mac possible?

    Thank you but that program does not work with the new windows mobile 5 enabled pocket pc's.
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    Pocket PC using windows mobile 5 in Mac possible?

    I just switched over from windows to a power mac and I use my pocket pc for work all the time for its address book and calendar. I also used MS Outlook 2003 to sync with it. The main problem is that my ipaq 2755 uses the new windows mobile 2005 and I can't find anything for the mac that will...
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    Fan really loud on new imac 17" isight

    Weird problem that just started yesterday. I bought this new imac 17" isight on Friday of last week and for some odd reason when you turn it on after it gets into the regular screen the fan goes really loud for 10min then gradually gets quieter. Any ideas why?
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    My remote will not work on my imac g5

    The apple logo is not covered up and I changed out the battery. :(
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    My remote will not work on my imac g5

    I just bought my first mac, one of the new imac g5's with the digi cam built in and after fooling around on it after a day I must have done something since the remote that comes with it does not work anymore. Its a great little tool for itunes since I dont have to close a window and open up...