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  1. L

    WMP v. 10...

    Believe me, you DON'T want "original" ideas from M$. *koff* trusted computing platform *koff* Or *koff* .Net *koff*
  2. L

    WMP v. 10...

    With all due respect... cry me a river. And after you wipe your eyes then what are you going to do? Face it, it happens all the time and in all walks of life. People copy each other. It's like students copying homework or tests in school. When you're directly involved in it, it's like "meh...
  3. L

    Powerbook 12" running Debian Linux

    #1. There are more x86 linux coders than there are PPC coders, so it's a default by numbers. #2. It's great that Apple mandates the hardware for each system. But whenever Apple releases new hardware that has big enough changes (chipsets and things you don't see/hear of everyday) it usually...
  4. L

    I returned Tiger to Apple today

    If you're just going to buy it again after things get fixed (I hear 10.4.1 is just around the corner) then why not just spare your self the trouble, install it on separate partition or something, have Panther on another, and wait it out?
  5. L

    Powerbook 12" running Debian Linux

    Why wait around for Linus? I'm more interested in what Ben Herrenschmidt has been doing, and will be doing, for PPC Linux. If you're a notebook PPC Linux user you have a lot to thank him for.
  6. L

    USB-IF using Macs?

    Fear not, I'm on the other side of the country, I'm an east coaster. But you'll be surprised at the lengths I'll go to for a free drink.
  7. L

    USB-IF using Macs?

    Why? I have 2 feet.
  8. L

    Bonjour for Windows

    To the rest of the world, it's known as ZeroConf, which I believe is an open standard.
  9. L

    USB-IF using Macs?

    Eh, a company that big can't possible be "nameless." How would they file their taxes? :p You presumed at I assumed that you presumed that I assumed... ad-nauseum. So what kind of reply/reaction were you hoping to get anyhow? Now I don't know what to think/say. Drinks on your tab Mr...
  10. L

    Tiger fails rendering PNG images!!

    It must be a problem with the way the colors are displayed on your screen, irrelevant of screen grab or not. I've viewing your screenshots on a PC right now and they look perfectly normal to me. The color data seems to be fine, it's the presentation that's off if you're seeing it come out weird.
  11. L

    Powerbook 12" running Debian Linux

    Late to the game, but here's my 2 cents: I found my iBook to run Linux a lot better. Sleep and special function keys worked perfectly after some tweaking. I got pretty decent 3D performance out of the Radeon 9200 by using DRM drivers. And for kicks I was running KDE with KSmoothDock, once I...
  12. L

    USB-IF using Macs?

    "heavily backed" is a dangerous phrase to use. Business partners aren't like a husband and wife. They don't necessarily have to be 100% faithful to one another. Take IBM and Microsoft for example, they compete in various markets but partner in others. IBM certainly is a competitor of Intel, yet...
  13. L

    Programming for plugins

    I could have also pointed you to some pages on ADC... Just go into and then into Carbon or...
  14. L

    Programming for plugins

    A plugin is basically a piece of code loaded dynamically at runtime. In other words, it's the layman's term for "dynamically loaded library." Don't freak out when you hear DLL :P Macs have them too, they have the *.dylib extension. There are a few steps involved to create an application that...
  15. L

    reflecting an NSImage in the Y-axis

    Scale the image by -1.0 on whichever axis you want to flip it. // make a new transform: NSAffineTransform *t = [NSAffineTransform transform]; // by scaling Y negatively, we effectively flip the image: [t...
  16. L

    View File Path

    Is it just my imagination or does CMD + I to view file info also show the path...
  17. L

    Help Securing a wireless network

    Er... no offense but that statement is redundant. If you're that concerned about protecting your data, don't even give that machine any network connectivity. Doesn't matter if it's wired or wireless. That's the only secure way. At work we use laptops for private data and they get locked up in...
  18. L

    Will Counter-Strike Source come to the Mac?

    Both UT '04 and Doom3 have OpenGL renderers. HL2 is strictly Direct3D. Even though Direct3D can be ported into OpenGL, again it's the Havok physics engine that's the next obstacle. Put it all together and it's not financially feasible. HL2 for XBox is not a port. An Xbox is just an under...
  19. L

    FireWire drive noise

    It still spins when idle... it only stops spinning if specifically told to, like in Apples energy saver prefs. Hehe, it'd be funny if it turns out that's actually the sound of the drive spinning down from power saver that you're hearing. Just for kicks, can you tell us what you currently have...
  20. L

    Help Securing a wireless network

    I no longer use Airport, but last I remember, you can specify the MAC address of your wireless cards in your base station config and it will ONLY allow those devices to connect. It's kind of tedious to look up the MAC address and enter the long string of letters and numbers, and the more...