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  1. L

    Mac Mini Stacks....

    It measures 6x6x2. A large coaster. There's your cup holder.
  2. L

    So... when do the 3ghz G5s arrive?

    Forgot where I read this, IBM *might be* intentionally holding back the 3 GHz G5 because that would narrow the performance margin with their non-Mac POWER products.
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    64 Bit Mac OS X...?

    FYI: x86-64 claims to be able to run both 32 and 64 bit code natively and simultaneously but there is a caveat. Your OS has to be in 64 bit mode (the 64 bit edition) and only then will in run both 32/64 bit software in an instance. But if you run a 32-bit OS on x86-64 hardware you will not be...
  4. L

    Bluetooth KVM?

    What's wrong with a regular wired KVM? You really don't like wires don't you? They do make KVMs that replicate USB connections, so you're not limited to PS/2 crap, if that's what you're worried about.
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    Mail server advantages

    Your router should have port forwarding. That means you can specify what ports to forward incoming requests to a specific IP address. First, give "Homer" a static IP address below the number where DHCP starts. Setup port forwarding for inbound requests to that IP address. Port 25 for POP3, 110...
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    web browser gfx

    Well I'm aware that it just might be a matter of using a different browser. Perhaps Safari deals with Flash movies and animated GIFs better than Camino. But that's the thing, I like using Camino. I could use Safari but it's not quite the way I prefer. I can't explain it any other way other than...
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    web browser gfx

    I've been going in and out of the Mac platform (as far as general use and acomplishing actual work) and I've had a nice list of complaints and annoyances about OSX. Most of them have been addressed in Panther. But there's this one thing that still bothers me and keeps me from having even the...
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    A change in tactics

    I meant the built in Windows firewall. I heard some people say SP2 re-enables the Windows firewall, or installs a new one. Basically whenever I hear people complain about Internet program "XYZ" stopped working the typical response was to disable the firewall that SP2 installs/enables.
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    A change in tactics

    Did you disable the firewall?
  10. L

    Can not read windows CD

    A UDF reader won't help, the UDF format only works on CDRWs I'm pretty sure. But hey, if I'm wrong I'm wrong. My shot in the dark: Microsoft does have their own extension to the JOLIET ISO9660 whatever it is, format for CD-ROMs (CD recordables inclusive). If you've ever compiled a Linux...
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    A change in tactics

    Actually the difference between the way Apple and Microsoft handles patches is that: Mac users actually run updates and apply them. Microsoft on the other hand, put the patches out there but people are just too slow to update. Even worst is when admins are litterally afraid to apply a patch...
  12. L

    PC can't read Mac file

    Try doing a File-Save As, does it let you specify a different version of Word to save as? I have Word 2002 at home on my PC and I can save to Word 2000 format. Alternatively, your best bet is to just save it as Rich Text (RTF) if it's just text. If you have embedded pictures and such, it might...
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    Now that G5 iMacs have been received...

    Call me crazy, but I still have the default 256 MB of RAM my iBook came with. Haven't bothered upgrading and you know what? I don't feel like I need to. Beyond simple surfing and emailing, I run Garage Band, XCode, couple simple games. Most of my RAM usage is used by the OS cache.
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    Incase a G5 PowerBook isn't over the horizon

    Dual cores is almost litterally 2 processors crammed into one. So each core has it's own GPRs, ALU/FPU/Vector execution units, cache memory, etc. But both cores are on the same bus. When your OS is SMP aware, that just means that it will handle load balancing between seperate applications...
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    Applecare question

    I know this is not the right forum for this type of question but I didn't know anywhere else to put it. And it does kinda have to do with a Mac system I bought. I bought AppleCare when I purchased my iBook, tried to enroll online but it didn't work out so I just filled out the card and mailed...
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    I believe it was the network code that made HL difficult to port, I vaguely recall reading it as such somewhere long time ago.
  17. L

    sqlite for mac

    Have you been to these places:
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    I guess I should have said "testing and QA" more so than tech support calls. But it's the overall support in a nutshell that becomes expensive. Linux users have been playing HL for a while apparently. I don't recall if there was a native Linux client, or everyone was just using WineX.
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    what dvd media is most reliable?

    If you plan on making DVD movies to play in a "normal" DVD player, DVD-R media tends to work better as oppose to DVD+R media. The +/- is a pretty significant difference.
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    Quicktime to AVI/MPEG?

    If you can do it from a PC I have a few links for you, but I'm not sure about a MacOSX native (and freeware) program. Try: (this one does carry Mac native software)