So... when do the 3ghz G5s arrive?

Marty Graw

Hello all,

Like many of you (I suspect) I was a little disappointed by the complete absence of any news during Steve Jobs' keynote speech at MacWorld regarding new, faster G5 desktops.

I'm running a DP G4/500. It's got 1.2ghz of RAM, and it runs OS X10.3.7 just fine, but I'm into both digital music production (Digital Performer and Reason) and digital film production (Final Cut Pro) so I've been planning to upgrade my computer as soon as the DP 3ghz desktops hit. Until about two weeks ago, I was fairly sure that this MacWorld would be the time (don't ask me why, just a hunch). Then, all the hype around the Mac mini hit, and it was fairly obvious that we'd have to wait a bit longer.

So, my question to you all is: how much longer? March? June?! August?!? 2006??!!??

I'm curious to read your thoughts, and any rationale you have for your predictions. Thank you in advance for your replies.


That's entirely up to IBM's ability to deliver such a thing. Turns out that the process (.13micron?) has been quite the stumbling block for all in the industry, not just IBM. As soon as they figure how to deliver in sufficient yields, Apple will get to use them.

of course, I don't know why they're not just speeding up the clock rate of the larger chip -- unless heat is an issue.
well its really IBM that's delaying things...

but thats a general thing, both intel and amd have had delays that they hadnt expected...

be sure that updated G5s and later on G6 will come oute and will allways be competitive and fast...

im really curious to see what dual core processors can do ..... be sure to see them in powermacs this year or next year :P
90nm, not 0.13 micron. But yes, it's IBM. Seems history repeats itself here... We once blamed Motorola for the one-year 500 MHz G4 disaster. Seems we'll now have to take on IBM? Will the X86 rumours arise again one day? ;)
Marty Graw said:
Hello all,

Like many of you (I suspect) I was a little disappointed by the complete absence of any news during Steve Jobs' keynote speech at MacWorld regarding new, faster G5 desktops.
I wasn't disappointed, because I wasn't expecting any such thing to be announced. It's clearly going to be a while before we see 3GHz in a Mac.

Plus, at this point, I don't really care that much myself (except in the sense that it would be good for the Mac community) - my 1 GHz Powerbook is more than powerful enough for my needs. The only thing slowing me down at all is the speed of the DVD burner (might get an external DVD drive to compensate for this)

the only diff. now with back then and motorolla is that nowadays all 3 chip makers hit a wall with the 90nm transition... it wasnt as easy as expected...

but at least ibm isnt lagging behind... its leading..!!!

the press conference that happened today and apple announced their 4th quarter sales mentioned that they had enough g5s for imacs this time but had trouble with the powermacs....
about 500 000 imacs were sold and that really good.... IBM did better this quarter... and will do even better as time passes :)
Im curious as to why you think 3.0ghz is necessary?? surely if you buy a Dual 2.5 G5 now, the increased productivity will far outweigh the increased speed when a Dual 3 is finally released??
I agree with Pengu. My Dual 1.8 is more than fast enough for all games I have tried, plus every program. I can't wait for Tiger and the new Quicktime.
my guess, is that the dual 3GHz will hit the end of this year, begining of next. Along with the PowerBook G5s... ::angel::
The only reason i would be sorry I hadn't waited, would be if the new models had:

more hdd spaces.
10Gb Ethernet

and even then, i've still had a wicked fast machine for the previous <insert number of months till next G5> months.
My most important feature is BlueRay DVD SuperDrives in the G5. Now that every Apple video app has full HD capabilities, it only makes sense for Apple to be the first to widely ship the HD DVD format in their pro machines.

Hey, Apple was slow on getting in on CD burning, they'll want to be the first to bring HD DVD to mainstream.
soulseek said:
the only diff. now with back then and motorolla is that nowadays all 3 chip makers hit a wall with the 90nm transition... it wasnt as easy as expected...

since what I've heard recently at a meeting on nanofabrication in Wien, probably we've not to wait so long for a processive 90 nm fabrication... because the problem is not to build an object with 90 nm structures (just a question, for hardware experts: is this a periodic structure, or a more complex design?), but to develop a fast process to build thousands of such structures... And Hp is working succesfully on it, for a super-computer (as they called it) they're building...
A different type of optical drive can be added without much hassle. i will upgrade my cobo drive to a DVD writer of some type when i have the need and the product is worth it..
Blue Ray isn't even set as the next gen DVD format yet so there'd be no reason to include it at this point.

Seeing how the 3GHz were supposed to be out last summer, I hope they are pretty close to coming out.

The current 2.5s are blazing fast anyways but we don't want to get behind the x86 world again.
Satcomer said:
I agree with Pengu. My Dual 1.8 is more than fast enough for all games I have tried, plus every program. I can't wait for Tiger and the new Quicktime.

well u havent tried Doom 3 yet....

but seriously. thats not what a G5 is aimed at....

... how does ur dual 1.8 run with motion ? have u tried it ?
I'm also holding out for a 3GHZ G5. Why? Cuz Steve "promised" 3 GHZ and I can't let it go. It's that simple. I'll wait as long as it takes.

One could guess that this summer would be reasonable given that it took them a year to increase by .5 GHZ. Another year, another .5 GHZ. Maybe. If they don't get there by this summer, I'll officially be disappointed.

Yes, the 1.8s and 2.5s are excellent machines. I'd love one, but I'm willing to hold out for a full 300%+ GHZ speed increase (over my 1 GHZ G4).
Forgot where I read this, IBM *might be* intentionally holding back the 3 GHz G5 because that would narrow the performance margin with their non-Mac POWER products.
having seen the keynote... and all the new features of tiger
i think coming out with tiger first is far more important than newer powermacs...
Sure, I know I *could* buy whatever HD DVD burner comes out after the PowerMacs, but why? I'm going to be spending a couple hundred on that SuperDrive and a few thousand on the machine, why should I settle for less than I want? ;)

Besides, I have 15 dual 2.5's and two dual 2.0GHz Xserves to play with all day long! :)
are guys telling me that my 2 month old dual layer dvd recorded will be old technology in a few months?