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  1. Z

    Help needed with NTL cable modem, OS X and iMac

    The is with win XP they do not release the IP properly. Plug it into the mac and you have to wait at least three hours until it starts working there. I know what as i used to have to do the same thing!
  2. Z

    Gateway releases new notebooks... looks close to Apple's designs!

    Well the colour is similar but thats were all similarities end!!! To start with they look very thick. Then there is the problem with all the pc laptops all the ports arenot covered this is something i really hate. Do manufacturers actually think it is nice if the laptop ports are not...
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    Minolta Dimage X for iPhoto

    I am in the process of buying a new digital camera. Does anybody have the Minolta Dimage X and if so could you tell me if it works with iPhoto? Thanks a lot
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    Desktop picture tibook

    Guys you want the picture with the highway is it? I saw it the other day on a greek site! I will check through the history and try to find it. I will all let you know ASAP!!!
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    APPLE webmail???

    Hello guys, i was browsing through apple's site with my windows machine today at uni and i came to a page that had information for webmail and that it was still in beta version. I checked my email etc there but when i tried to go back after about 5 minutes i could not find the page anymore...
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    The server side of MACOS X has more "things" so i think that it is not essential that the server version will always have the same version number as the workstation one. Correct me if i am wrong in my thinking.
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    Finally !!!!PC for sale

    Ok People finnaly i am putting my pc up for sale.Until now i was using both a pc and a mac but from now on the MAC has everything i need. I am selling my pc and i am getting a powermac. Anybody else has gone the same road as well???:cool:
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    Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

    Oh man this is getting better:: there is a poll there: Do you hate black folk? Yes, I am a Linux developer No, I use Windows HAHAHAH I am just going to bed i will think about it and vote tm!!! :p:p
  9. Z

    Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

    Thanks for informing me on the mission of thet site i was very upset reading the stuff that the guy wrote but now i am really reallyy relly upset and tha toy gamhso to spiti(excuse the greek). Well i have just decided to take this site down!! I am starting tonight!! I wanted to throw the...
  10. Z

    Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

    Please go and read this. I read through it and at the end of it i wanted to throw my precious Powerbook out of the window!! I cant believe parents like that actually exist.....comments about AMD and Lunix are No1!!!!;sid=2001/12/2/42056/2147
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    Can Apple ever make up for the big mistake?

    I am using three systems and i have to say that i started of with an Amstrad 646 back in 1982 and at the momment i am using MAC OS X,Linux and WIN XP! I started using OSX in August 2001 so i am new to the system it took me just half a month to learn it and i have to say it is the most...
  12. Z

    help with network connection.... please?

    Well i have the wxact same problem whilst the normal DNS should be x.x.x.0 on the PB it is x.x.0.0 how do i change that. Do you use DHCP?
  13. Z

    help with network connection.... please?

    Same thing exactly happend to me. My ethernet port has stopped working!!!!! I have been on the phone with apple support and they cannot help as far as i am concerned. They are telling me to do things i have already tried..... My specs are: PB G4 500MHz,512Mb,OS x.1.1 what are yours...
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    I need your help!!!!!!!!!!

    I havent got 9.x installed at all but when i did install it again it did not work. It is not the download speeds i am having problems with is the hole connection it just is not there for the Ti.
  15. Z

    I need your help!!!!!!!!!!

    Please i need your help!!!! I have a PB Ti 500 and i am experiiencing some severe difficulty with the ethernet. I am using the ethernet port to connect directly to a DHCP modem. I know for sure the modem works as it is ok under Linux,Windows and on my new quicksilver. I am running MAC...
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    Formatting os 9.2 partition

    Ok i have to partitions on my hard disk one for 10.1 and one for 9.2 how do i erase the 9.2 partition without erasing 10.1. All help appreciated.
  17. Z

    The price tag

    I will write something very sort for all of you to read please. I am doing a PHD in computer systems engineering in the UK. As a result I get to meet lots of student, professors etc etc. I happen to be able to use a PC running WIN XP, another running Linux and I recently purchased a...
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    Only in America...

    Well since i have windows XP and i have seen a few blue screens until now(it is the final release) i say to microsoft: Next release make yr freezzzzzzzz screen pink to suit the kindergarden style of XP. If you get it first thing you should do is change the enviroment to that of the old windows!!!!
  19. Z

    When will u change yr Ti?

    I was just wondering when people will be replacing their Ti. I saw the new ones are just out but the one i have at the momment does its job very well so no need to update yet. I will do though on the next update release. Thank a lot.
  20. Z

    Problem with Toast beta 2 under os x.1

    My toast software does not seem to recognise my internal DVD drive on my titanium 500 please is there anything i can do for it to work. I am trying to select it from preferences but it is not shown there. Also how can i make a cd copy from within the finder? Thank you very much