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    Solid state HDs for Apple?

    Just wondering if anyone has heard of Apple developing SSDs for laptops? I have heard rumors that Sony is going to release a SSD laptop soon...Hope Apple does the same.
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    x11 on 10.4.6

    Thanks a bunch. I got it to install with the 10.3.9 CD but had to do it manually- installer wouldn't let me select the HD because I am running 10.4.6.
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    x11 on 10.4.6

    Thanks for the replies. Do you think I could install x11 from my 10.3.9 OS disk on 10.4.6? Or will Apple send me a free 10.4.6 disk? I had a feeling the support guy didn't know what I was talking about...
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    x11 on 10.4.6

    Hey I'm new to x11 and am having some problems getting it to install on 10.4.6. I have a PB 15" 1.67Ghz that shipped with 10.3.9 but I have upgraded to 10.4.6. I know x11 is an optional install on the OS disk (which is in another state) but since I don't have it I was wondering if anyone knows...
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    Blue-ray vs. HD DVD

    Yeah I just read an article in the Economist about Sony delaying the PS3 launch by several months. "Ken Kutaragi, the head of Sony’s game division, blamed the delay on the late finalisation of technology standards associated with Blu-ray, a next-generation DVD format in which PS3 games will be...
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    Blue-ray vs. HD DVD

    Anyone have any thoughts on how this one is going to play out? Both seem to have near equal support by large companies. The thing I find interesting though is that Apple supports Blue-Ray while Intel supports HD DVD. How does that work with Intel Apples? Thanks
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    Realtime streaming video causes bluetooth error

    Ok, after a long search I found the fix for Real Player which doesn't make much sense but it does work. All you have to do is launch Garage Band! I don't think I have ever launched it on this machine so it obviously does something configuation wise when launched. Real player now works when...
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    Realtime streaming video causes bluetooth error

    I have been trying to watch a news clip with either Windows Media Player or Realtime and get an error saying the computer lost connection with a bluetooth headset. The video plays but has no audio. I don't have a bluetooth headset but I do have a bluetooth phone. This error trips even if I have...
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    Script Editor and iTunes

    I am having some trouble finding the reference for script editor to change the speaker output of iTunes. Part of the script I am writing is for iTunes to play music through my Airport Express Base Station. There is a drop down box in the lower right corner of iTunes that lets me switch between...
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    Back up drive-Partition or not?

    Thanks for the reply jbarley. On your system backup partitions did you make them larger than the original?
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    Back up drive-Partition or not?

    Trying to figure out what I should do. I have a PB G4 (10.4.5) with a 100GB HD which is about 90% full and just got a Lacie 300GB external HD today. I want to use the Lacie for a complete system backup and also for extra storage-I have a lot of movies. I plan on backing up my system every couple...
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    Copy and paste like Solaris?

    Wow-nevermind I'm an idiot. If you select the text and hold the mouse button for a second then drag it works about the same...
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    Copy and paste like Solaris?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to make OS X copy and paste like Solaris? Basically you highlight text and middle click were you want to paste it? This is especially helpful in terminal but I can't figure out how to do it... Thanks
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    Mail will not consistently access my GMail account

    Check this setting-Mail->Preferances->General->Check for new mail.
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    Full path to running program

    You can use the "which" command from the command line. Just run ps -A and copy the process name you want to find. Then paste it after which. $which <process name> That should print the path.
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    Viewing POST?

    I am a new Mac user and was wondering how I can view the POST (power on self test). I don't know, something about watching memory checks, files mounting, and the network initializing makes me happy. Plus its way easier to figure out whats broken in the event something does one day. Oh I have a...