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  1. P

    Recommendations for a burner?

    Apple also says that drive manufacturers often change the mechanism in their drive, so even though you might buy a LaCie drive, you may not buy the combination (drive mechanism/drive enclosure) Apple tested... Hence your problem. Apple's a good company, but it's not God ! :D Did you talk...
  2. P

    iPod abuse

    I have one of their bags (SleeveCase) that I bought for my white iBook. It is very well built, and protects my Mac as it should. I warmly recommend sfbags to everyone : they're a worthwhile investment.
  3. P

    USB Print Sharing in X?

    I miss that feature very much also ! :( I do hope we see it soon... Its not that plugging and unplugging a USB printer is hard work... its only that it could be even easier with USB printer sharing !
  4. P

    I love you Apple

    Funny to see that Apple is better at dealing with third party devices than Windows ! :p Without ever using Windows, I would have still thought that it is the all around champ for managing third party devices... The Win World is such a mixed bag after all ! :rolleyes: Well its a nice story...
  5. P


    They are showing up a device they call the iWalk they pretend is the next great thing from Apple. It does look like an iPaq on the picture, though (the video they is not available yet at the time of this posting). :rolleyes:
  6. P

    Windows XP SUCKS compared to OS X

    For what its worth, I've read somewhere that subpixel-antialiasing is planned for Mac OS X 10.2...
  7. P

    Windows XP SUCKS compared to OS X

    That Windows 2000 is stable is a urban legend. I use it every day at work and it is always broken. OK, I agree : it doesn't crash and there are seldom BSODs to be seen, but that doesn't mean everything is fine. Every now and then, something suddenly stops working (the mouse, Office, Explorer) as...
  8. P

    Windows XP SUCKS compared to OS X

    If I recall correctly, Windows 95 (Code name : Chicago) was supposed to be called Windows 4. In 1994, since they were 2 years late, the marketing guys at Microsoft found a way to spin the new OS in a new way that would make people forget that they had been victims of the "it should really come...
  9. P


    This is false : you will notice that if you change your signature, it will change in every posts you ever made. That means that the sigs are added on the fly, as the forum page you asked to read is build and sent to your browser. This means that the size of the signature is not important for...
  10. P

    Printing to a PCL printer in OS X

    It should be build in... :(
  11. P

    DVDs not recognized

    Then it is the drive that is broken, because if it doesn't work in a standard install of Mac OS 9, it is because you have a broken drive. (But check first if the version of the DVD player in Mac OS 9 is 2.7) If you run "Apple System Profiler", does it see your drive ? Is it labeled as a CD or...
  12. P

    Printing to a PCL printer in OS X

    Is there a way to print to PCL-based drivers in Mac OS X ? In other words, are there any driver available for them ?
  13. P

    DVDs not recognized

    Oops ! Obviously, I skipped a sentence when I read your post !!! :D Of course, your DVD drive still works when you revert to Mac OS 9, right ? Because if it doesn't the problem is in the drive, not the OS !!! :D This being said, since you have a problem that cannot be explained logically...
  14. P

    DVDs not recognized

    If the day before you were using Mac OS 9, then it explains it all : Mac OS 10.0.4 doesn't recognize DVDs. You'll have to install version 10.1 to be able to read DVDs in Mac OS X... Whatever the reason, you should install version 10.1 anyway. There are absolutely no justification to stick...
  15. P

    How to quit the graphical OS from another Mac ?

    Thank you all for your help ! LordOphidiankilowattcvisors :) ;) :D
  16. P

    Internet Connection in X 10.1

    Please describe your network... Could it be that you have not specified any domain name server in the Network pane ? On my Macs, everything works well...
  17. P

    How can I set up dynamic DNS in Mac OS X ?

    I have a Mac at home that I would like to be my "reference" computer. That is I would like it to be my library where I could access files when I am on the road. This Mac is connected to the internet via a cable-modem but is behind a router (it is DMZ, however (I think it helps... does it ?))...
  18. P

    WindowsXP ads..stop the horror!

    I was rather referring to John Siracusa's critique of Mac OS X 10.1.
  19. P

    WindowsXP ads..stop the horror!

    I'll just say that I was looking for a meaning a little bit more profound ! :D
  20. P

    WindowsXP ads..stop the horror!

    Interresting... Do you agree with John Sirracusa's critiques of Mac OS X ?