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  1. F

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    I think it is quite nice, and pretty powerfull too considering the price. Spec Intel® Pentium® 4 processor 2.4GHz • 256MB DDR SDRAM • 40GB Hard Drive • 17" Flat Panel Display • 16X/10X/24X CDRW for $1499 pretty good value if you ask me, those are also the P4's with the...
  2. F

    New & Old dual 1 Gig. PowerMac Compared.

    boi Im afraid the Mac G4's tend to suck at stuff like seti and protein folding, ive compared them to my athlon XP many times and they get smoked hopelessly. I dont think there is any altivec code in the clients but the gaps is really that big that even altivec couldnt close the gap to...
  3. F

    New & Old dual 1 Gig. PowerMac Compared.

    fryke we know its not the high end machine, we are just critising the fact that Apple have added DDR to there powermacs leading people to beleive it adds the performace benefits seen in the X86 world to the Mac world which it clearly doesnt. This is shown by comparing one machine of the...
  4. F

    New & Old dual 1 Gig. PowerMac Compared.

    I agree mate he didnt benchmark fairly, he just compared the different platforms etc. But what i said about FSB bandwidth is still true and releavent here.
  5. F

    New & Old dual 1 Gig. PowerMac Compared.

    Backside cache really isnt that important, why do you think Athlons and P4's dont bother with it. Also the reason there isnt really a difference between the DDR and SDR systems is because the FSB is still the same on the Ghz models hence the fsb can still only take PC133 bandwidth yet its...
  6. F

    iPod Firmware Update Confirmed by Apple - Coming Soon!

    You shouldnt have to ask nicely when an update is coming out mate. After all they have sold you defective goods and you should expect it fixed pronto. not "Excuse me me me sirrrr but errr when might you be gracing my presense with your all might firmware update". Any other company would...
  7. F

    as intel rolls out 3 ghz and beyond.. wheres amd??

    the inquirer says 333fsb athlons are a go, they are nearly allways right. It will only be a matter of time now.
  8. F

    What's your Instant Messenging application ?

    I use Trillian cos it connects to all networks.
  9. F

    as intel rolls out 3 ghz and beyond.. wheres amd??

    Cant wait for a stock 2Ghz Athlon @ 333 fsb mine is overclocked at the moment too 304mhz fsb but with 166 standard 2.3ghz Athlons @ 440 fsb should be possible with good RAM.
  10. F

    intel cranks out 3 ghz chip.

    Lets get one thing straight here, you all like to believe that AMD beats intel with lower mhz ratings that is NO longer the case the fastest athlon is now way behind the new 533mhz FSB P4s. That is a fact, when the 3Ghz does come out AMD are gonna need a massive FSB boost or the Hammer procs too...
  11. F

    Is the G4 really that fast?

    fryke that is a very good reason to buy a mac and i see your point of view, i was mearly critisizing those who say they buy their mac because it is the fastist thing around etc.
  12. F

    Is the G4 really that fast?

    Its good that you mention real world because that is exactly what the videoediting website benches mention in the other threads test, and as i recall the P4 and athlons both hand the G4 its ass on a plate. Im not being nasty or anything like that but it has got to the stage now where G4...
  13. F

    Is the G4 really that fast?

    Annihilatus i pointed these facts out a long time ago i mere got ridiculed and passed off as a PC twat, now people are suddenly starting to see the light, if Apple moved over to X86 tommorrow everyone with new macs would be bragging to mates with old PPC macs about how much faster there new...
  14. F

    Microsoft tries to steal Macworld thunder

    I thought everyone knew this, but it seems you all must have forgoten, when M$ sees a threat they pounce on it like a starving Great White does to a seal. That is exactly what Apple is to M$ ( the seal ). Apple will never be able to outwit M$ they dont have the resources, cunning and...
  15. F

    Apple aims to boost bandwidth with 1.5GHz G4s

    hehe beat ya to it :D :D, im also a PC user :D but yes your title was more to the point i just like to keep you guessing.
  16. F

    Anyone read this

    Looks interesting New G4 + G5 info.
  17. F

    2.53GHz Pentium

    Thought id make a celebrity appearance :D Ive said it before and ill say it again, Apple will one day, dont know when but one day jump on the AMD clawhammer/ sledgehammer bandwagon.
  18. F

    iMovie just crashed I want to kill someone!

    voice Pretty good thought that. Subliminal messages from Microsoft, ive not heard them accused of that one before :D
  19. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    Heres a good article i just spotted says MS will intro .Net for Mac platform Havent read it all yet though.
  20. F

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    OK, i see where youre going there. I know anything written with J++ does only work with the MS JVM which of course only makes it useable in Windows, I too dont see the point in that and as you say it does go against the entire principle behind Java. I did however read a while ago on...