Search results

  1. sirstaunch

    Mighty Mouse

    And I then shone it at my switched off TV screen and I seen the mouse :cool:
  2. sirstaunch

    Mighty Mouse

    Woa, so does mine :eek:
  3. sirstaunch

    Mighty Mouse

    Flickr user Dan Bowles has a few photos up on his photostream today depicting an odd discovery he made while checking out his Apple Mighty Mouse. It appears as if when you lift the mouse and look at the light pattern formed by the red LED underneath, it forms the shape of, well, a...
  4. sirstaunch

    osx10.4.5 voice over utility and text edit voices?

    Yes Open system preferences Select Speech (looks like a 1930's radio mic) Select Text To Speech tab There you will see a drop down tab with various voices where it says System Voice play around with the voices and the sliding pitch to find something to your liking :)
  5. sirstaunch

    Deleted Mac Mail account-need to retrieve important emails

    Don't know for sure, but open up the original account again and hope for the best otherwise it would come down to a recovery program where you will need a second harddive and thing
  6. sirstaunch

    iPod Love

    Haha, i pretty much needed a smoke to watch it LOL
  7. sirstaunch

    Pics come out read-only from iPhoto

    I don't know if this would help with the rotated pics, but try and drag a pic from iPhoto and drop it into the finder, just a thought Nope, just tried, didn't work oops What about playing around with the iPhoto share menu, see what you can discover out of that, I have a few extra plugins to...
  8. sirstaunch

    iPod Love

    Now this person has got a problem I think
  9. sirstaunch

    audio delay

    Maybe from what adambyte just said, then use the Mac audio output to your Boise external and things should be in sinc then :)
  10. sirstaunch

    My computer has blue balls!

    I had the big blue ball too, found when I clicked it, the windows in the front application would highlight and the rest of the screen would be dark, like pushing F10 Think I used MacHelp Mate to turn it off
  11. sirstaunch

    Interesting, on every page is a little add for UK's cheapest MP3 players (didn't seem to be a random thing), maybe Sony secretly sponsor them or something.. or it's just another scandal, rock music is evil, mankind can't enjoy this blah blah - oh the evils....
  12. sirstaunch

    Bye Windows, Hi Mac .. here I am!!

    Welcome to the real world, good luck with the Powerbook, and at a glimpes of your home page, you will love Garageband :)
  13. sirstaunch

    Safari Hangs, I see a rainbow disk....often

    Try cleaning out the caches located in the home/library/cache folder/safari
  14. sirstaunch

    eMac and graphic cards

    I don't find anything crappy about my graphics
  15. sirstaunch

    Setting Up Hp All In One Printers On Tiger

    Gee, a lot was in the home folder, such as in preferences and things, HP led me through the process and we went to different directorys deleting anything HP I guess.
  16. sirstaunch

    Little Snitch 1.2.2

    Meaning? No, let skype open every connection forever, no problem here, actually it's been quite a while since LS has popped up on me, guess it's tamed now and know what I want to connect with outside servers.
  17. sirstaunch

    Windows Xp Boots on OSX

    It's official!!!!1/
  18. sirstaunch

    startup progress on Desktop

    Weird thing, but my screensaver locked up out of the blue, it wouldn't let me access my screen no matter what I did. I ended up powering down the computer with the power button then did a startup. All begun well except, for some strange reason, the startup progrees bar remained on my desktop...
  19. sirstaunch

    Startup progress on Desktop

    Moved to Hardware section, sorry for inconvenience
  20. sirstaunch

    Imovie 5 Sound?

    TROLL GO AWAY!!!! When you get a real computer then maybe you can stay