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  1. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    Arden - i would recommend saying thanks and moving on. i'm about ready to subtract 3/4 of yours so you only get credit for twice the number of posts you make that are more than one line long and contribute something. :rolleyes:
  2. edX

    Policy on Warez, Serialz, and P2P Discussions

    there is an announcement in every forum. this is the only thread open for replies though. as for whether or not a new member bothers to read these or even the site rules before posting, is up to them. ignorance is not a defense. even in the windows world there are sites that do not allow such...
  3. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    sorry mr. k. there is already an active user by that name. unix - for very various reasons, not the least important of which is not encouraging post whoring. worry more about the quality of your posts and less about having them counted. you're definitly running your current post count up with...
  4. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    unix - let me simplify: no
  5. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    done. the original macman has not visited us since 2001. i doubt they remember who they were by now. to all, remember that you will need to login with your new names in the future so if you try to come back and can't get in, try the name you requested before sending in a report.
  6. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    no, i cannot (and would not) merge accounts. that isn't what this is about. hey bob - you could be bobX and we could be like brothers or something. :D :p
  7. edX

    Policy on Warez, Serialz, and P2P Discussions

    the moderators and admins will be the judges of this, just as we are the judges of all the rule infractions on this site. asking a mod before you post if you're not sure is a good idea. but this is not a response to the many gray areas we encounter from time to time. this is a response to a rash...
  8. edX

    Hard Drive/Disk Warrior problem PLEASE HELP!

    for such a large drive, this is hardly a dent in the procedure - especially if it has lots of small files on it. i've had diskwarrior take over 12 hours for a 80 gb drive before. just be patient.
  9. edX

    Policy on Warez, Serialz, and P2P Discussions

    people who come here to request warez help will be banned immediately with no warnings. in the past warnings have been issued to give some people the benefit of the doubt. no more. so DO NOT post asking for serial numbers, shared software or anything like this. do not ask what the best p2p...
  10. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    no impersonating famous people :p
  11. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    done, but only because i know that tree is herve. now he's a pasta. but we're not changing the name of the B&G. however, a nice dish of tagliatelle with pesto sauce sounds like a good daily special. :D
  12. edX

    Once a year chance to change your username

    simply tell me what you want to change it to in this thread. i'll try to change it as soon after i see it as possible. keep in mind that some names you want might already be taken. not everybody posts regularly. if by chance, somebody registers your new name after you request it, i will take it...
  13. edX

    I'd like to see someone get this avi working on a mac...

    i think byronw70 has had too much triptophan. :p please pay attention to things like datedness when responding to threads folks. so move along, nothing to more to see here. :rolleyes:
  14. edX

    The Movies That You Like A Lot

    Blade Runner - so much more to this movie than meets the eye the first time. Altered States - questioning reality is always an interesting subject for me Steppenwolf - another alternate reality flick. good luck finding this one. Lenny - great look at morality. Labyrinth - just good...
  15. edX

    Hard Disk Disappeared!! Please Help!!!
  16. edX

    help me please

    i think he's looking for a good spam sender. :(
  17. edX

    StuffIt 7.0.3 ?

    isn't stuffit a drag n drop install? can't you just copy it from your other panther mac?
  18. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    no gia, that's a completely different thought, unrelated to soccer. Michigan beat my Buckeyes in football on sat. - very BIG rivalry. so i just had to get my "Muck Fichigan" off my chest. it feels a little better every time i say it. :p
  19. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    oh yea, Muck Fichigan!!
  20. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Go Quakes!! ( :D )