Man, this is going to suck!
I've been using the BBEdit demo for a few days,
I still have about 2 more weeks to go on the demo - but the problem is, I love it!
So what's the problem? It's too fregging expensive to purchase!!! Even at Student Pricing its well over $100! Blah!
It has replaced ALL text editor I had in my dock (Word, TextEdit - hell even my alltime favorite - PICO!). And it's partially replaced Dreamweaver (for simple stuff, for more adanvced or when I'm lazy I go backto DW).
Yeah ok considering the prices for Office and Dreamweaver is more than what BBEdit costs... but... I still need the former - like it or not. I don't REALLY NEED BBEdit... except for I don't want to go without it!
If it where closer to $50 I'd buy it no problem...
But with the holidays, and needing a new helmet for my motorbike - I'm going to have to go without BBEdit once it expires.

I need a Frappuchino!