sogni, have you tried Hydra (or subethaedit) ??? i used bbedit before, but i just love hydra.
... here a frappuccino ... i think i should put on some pounds before i can have one drink (a week.. hah) .. so i guess i'll just have a yerba mate tonight.
Might take a little to get used to, but so far I LOVE IT!!! Especially the Web Preview!
And it's priced right!
Thanks for the info!
If I feel the same or better about SubEthaEdit than I did about BBEdit, I'll see about donating to them - I don't see anything about donating anywhere. Hmmm...
Heh, you're going to have to fight me for it if it's as good as everyone says it is!
Why is Halo so fun??? I mean, come on, even Battlefield's not as fun as Halo, and that's a fun game! What's going on? I keep going back to Nexus to play singleplayer Halo, and it's starting to become a daily thing! I'm going to end up spending my entire checking account on hours to play this game! Sheesh, I need an egg nog. Bartender!
.. mmh, can i have some cocoa please? i feel so geeky .. now im substituting my americano with cocoa (with espresso added to it) .. must be because it's winter and cold out there..
sogni, i started using subethaedit when it was called hydra. i like it. very mac touch, and it works on rendezvous .. i think this newer version works better thru internet too (so u don't have to code alone ) but i prefer hydra as the name.
mmh, as long as it has cocoa... ... the weather forecast promised it'd be snowing by today, but it's just raining .. but still, now after getting used to having cocoa with espresso in the morning, the espresso with hot rice milk tastes so different ... i need the cocoa.
Has anybody noticed that folding on a G5 has sped up a lot in the last week or two? I've gone from 2% of a work unit/hour to something like 3+%. Am I imagining things or have they maybe optimized the app, or is something in 10.3.1 responsible?
EDIT: I just clocked it. It's 4%/hr.
btw: does anyone know if "reduced power" actually slows folding down? It didn't seem to before, and the 4% number is on reduced now.
I'm getting hammered here in Delaware! And I had to work last night, so I got the privilege of driving home through it.
Check out the attached pic to see what it looked like when I drove home.
And if you're bored, DE has live cams on intersections (which is what the pic is from). So you can see what it currently looks like from this link (Note: that's the "fast" version, and it uses Java).
That intersection is where I turn to go into my apartments. And just to note, that's a pretty major road there...
But just for the webcam, I living 0.5 mile right of the image.
You see the sun on the mountains and the town is still in the shadow because they are still some low altitude clouds this morning. temp is around 0°C (just freezing).
wow, so few cars? is that in an early sunday morning?
i saw a documentary yesterday. about the weathermen underground. i had _never_ heard about that thing before, .. so it's like the black pantehrs. stuff that the people in the states know, but that are kept very quiet to the outer world. well. the documentary was well made, and it contained a lot of disturbing material (in the beginning showing how the vietnemese were killed in the war) .. disturbing thought ("living your white family life in your white neighborhood and having you white job and ignoring the fact that your country is in war somewhere .. killing millions of innocent civils.. THAT is violence too") ("i grew up in the 50s. in all the tv shows and movies they showed where there were bad guys, there were always he police. so you grew to the idea that you can't get with it if you do anything wrong") .. revolutionary, rebels ..? i don't know. when i walked out of the theathre, i felt just weird. that thing can't have happened just 30 years ago. it feels like a lot longer time would have passed (then again, when i was born the weathermen didnt exist any more). well, here shortly about the weathermen underground phenomenon, and i noticed (and this) even fbi now gives out a 420 pages e-book about them. scary.