Herve's Bar & Grill

for years i slept in the buff and never considered any kind of sleepwear, but it is so cold here at nite so often that i found pj's to be a big help, especially when my lady tosses the covers all around. :p

plus it is always a good idea to sleep in something when the kids are visiting. you never know when they are going to need something and they don't tend to appreciate our nakedness. and these days i practically live in my pj's on days when i have nowhere to go. they're so much more comfortable than clothes.
Not that problem here. Here it's colder i think, it was low 20s out today .. warm blankets, and i admit i prefer the human (or panther.. heh) heat .. clothes might be a way to keep me warm, but i turn around so zillion times while i sleep or try to sleep i never find myself in the morning. yea, i need heat, when it's too cold all my body hurts (or more often, the cold just makes everything worse). Ups, late here .. I'm off to bed!

Have fun in the cinema, sogni .. and buen cumpleaños :D
Me? COOK??? :eek: Screw that, I'll take you to lunch at Applebee's! ;)

Hey Sogni, how come you never respond to my IM's? I'm on iChat right now, you're on AOL I presume... come on, man, "famonymous" is callin' ya! :)
Arden said:
Me? COOK??? :eek: Screw that, I'll take you to lunch at Applebee's! ;)

Hey Sogni, how come you never respond to my IM's? I'm on iChat right now, you're on AOL I presume... come on, man, "famonymous" is callin' ya! :)

Perhaps the AIM admins put you on a public ignore because you were talking too much :D
Thanks guys!
Yeah the cinema was awesome. Watched a great movie with someone I really care about. Altho I think this means they won't be here for my actual birthday - it was well worth it. We got home around 3am! :D

Arden, really? I've never seen an IM from you... that's odd... actually I don't think I've ever seen an IM from anyone not on my buddy list. I wonder if it's ignoring anyone not on my list. Hmmm...
What's your screenname?

On double-check, It DOES say "Allow People in my Buddy List" under Privacy Level. Hmmm, how long has that been there? Anyway you should be able to IM me now. :)

And I'm NOT on AOL! How dare you insult me like that? Kidding! :D
I am always warm... I need to have the window cracked even when it's cold out with minimal covers. Must be cuz of my extra pounds. :)
I don't really mind, girls seem to love that (cuddle with someone soft 'n warm). :D
What I do mind is that no girl is doing that right now... grrr. heh :p
What, you aren't cooking all this stuff you're serving us up, Arden? I think I'll stick to the drinks from now on...

My brother has that problem, Sogni. His b-day is 3 days after Christmas. He was always mad about that when we were younger.
warm guys are always cute to cuddle with :)

doesn't look like a very promising day. 10 am, and i think 4 or 5 painkillers so far. aww
Sogni, I told you my AIM name above...

DS, I'd be "sticking to drinks" if I said I was cooking everything by hand. Sure, I can whip up something quick, like frying breaded mushrooms (deep-fried mushrooms... yum yum), but that's right out of the bag and into the pan. It's stuff like barbecued ribs and filet mignon that I would have a hard time with.

Besides, who says I have to do the cooking? I can just virtually hire a short-order chef. :)
Maybe time to invent a virtual cook?

Sogni, I got the packet today. Cool :)

How was the eathquake today in Cali? Did any of you feel or see anything?
How long did it take you to install it? :D

I didn't feel a thing... I was watching the news when they went live to the needle moving... We're on a 1st floor apartment on a concrete slab so I was suprised I didn't feel it.

I forgot my PB's battery charger at the office! D'oh!
Maybe I shoulda added an extra charger to my bday list! heh :)
It took me 30 seconds to open the packet .. 5 minutes to find a thing (tool) to use to hold the screwdriver .. (it was easier with it, more strength) .. 2 minutes to switch off the mac, a coffee (meanwhile it cooled down .. it wasn't hot though.. i mean the mac) ... 2 minutes to turn upside down and find a place with much light, and take the screws away .. 1 minute to open the RAM package, less than 1 minute to install the RAM, less than a minute to close the thing .. 1 minute till it was back on and running. Wow, nice difference. Now I'll want to see this beast with 1 G.

What are your X-mas plans, folks? Or the plans for these days even those who are non-christians etc .. so who don't celebrate the x-mas.

I'll be watching foreign DVDs .. trying to get rid of an x-mas cold too .. tomorrow there's gonna be an x-mas dinner (more lunch time for me) .. ummmh, not feeling perfect when I don't feel like drinking coffee.. I hope this thing goes away by tomorrow :)
G, LOL :)
So you now have 512MBs, right?
How does it feel? Do you wish you got more ram (256+512=768)?
How does working in Photoshop and other large apps (at the same time) feel?

I can't decide which to get, 256 or 512... don't have much money to spend on myself.
I basically want my PB to feel the same or faster than my Dual 533Mhz G4 Tower (is that possible?) that has 512 MBS.

Right now my Dual 533 G4 Tower puts my PB to shame! heh :p
Sogni, go for the 512. You'll be better off in the long run.

Tomorrow, the family & I are going fishing... at the movie theater. We're hoping to catch a big one. ;)
It feels a lot better. I wanted to get the 512 mb more when i got the 'book, but i simply got an extra 256 (that they gave away) .. so i'll update sooner or later ..
Ow... my neck and part of my back are all sore. I'm not sure what it's from, probably sleeping weird. :(

Anyone want to give me a back rub? G?
Yeah yeah... I just can't afford 512MBs! Heck, I can't afford 256 for that matter! :p :D

Gotta bug clients about more work... oh wait *looks at vanilla envelop with client artwork and such for a new website* YAY! :)
so quiet here. what's everyone up to?

as a curiosity .. do jews etc (any non-christians that have some kind of religious fest around xmas) have any kind of x-mas decorations (or decorations for their own party)? i know the jews are supposed to have the candles .. but .. can they (or others) have e.g. those fancy 'winter lightnings'? i would guess a tree with fancy lights isn't that much a _christmas_ decoration .. just wondering :)

time to see another movie .. central station. anyone seen that? haz, you'll probably like it .. at least it's a brazilian one. ;)
Well it depends on our traditions. We have cousins in Berkeley who usually throw a Hanukah party, so we'll go to that, though my parents & sister went to a bar mitzvah in Chico & I had work this year. But we usually put up Hanukah decorations around the house, like banners, streamers, just little things that say stuff like "Happy Hanukah" on them.

Well, I'm feeling much better now than I was earlier. Before I went to work, I had a sore neck & back, and I left early because I just felt like crap. So when I got home I jumped in bed and tried going to sleep, which continued until, oh, 9 (I got up around 7:30 but I couldn't do it). And while I was asleep I kept dreaming about all these shiftless entities just swirling around... anybody ever had something like that? It's obviously a dream, but it doesn't feel like it... suffice it to say, though, I'm better now.