Herve's Bar & Grill

Hey, I didn't sleep at all! And it's not because of the keynote... I just didn't go to bed. I guess I'll have to watch the keynote, then crash out, or something.
Arden said:
Hey, I didn't sleep at all! And it's not because of the keynote... I just didn't go to bed. I guess I'll have to watch the keynote, then crash out, or something.

Man you sound like me.
I hardly sleep much, usually I endup falling asleep at 3, and when I sleep earlier I wake up no later than 7. This is why I was suprised I overslept and missed going to the Apple store for the keynote. :p
Giaguara said:
so many were waiting for a cheapo ipod for 99 $ ...

Not $99, but not $250 either! I need (want?) an iPod but wouldn't buy a Mini at that price when I can get a LOT MORE space for only $50 more!
Hey, I have some decent quality clips of my band. I play bass. These are from practice, so don't expect much. In the new song, neither the song nor the singer's voice is finished. :) But whatever. Let me know what you think. You can be brutally honest.

First of all: fire your singer. (;) J/K) Not bad for practice sessions... I like the little things like "I was a little early" and stuff. :)

To me it just sounds like rambling music, but that might just be the difference between my tastes and yours. I like music to have a little more variety and depth which I think yours was lacking, but your audience may like it just the way it is.
Arden said:
First of all: fire your singer. (;) J/K) Not bad for practice sessions... I like the little things like "I was a little early" and stuff. :)

Hey, give him a break, we haven't been playing that long. :) And that new song is very new.

To me it just sounds like rambling music, but that might just be the difference between my tastes and yours. I like music to have a little more variety and depth which I think yours was lacking, but your audience may like it just the way it is.

Yeah, it's not meant to be deep. Initially, he said he wanted us to play as loud, fast, and hard as possible. I think it's matured from that ever so slightly. But that's what it is. What Love Is is a cover. Originally done by Rocket From The Tombs in 1975, then redone by the Dead Boys a year or two later, with some of the same members. RFTT I think is one of the greatest bands of all time.
Okay, mofo. :) How about these? Tonight I got together with a couple of friends of mine at their rehearsal/recording studio just to mess around and we recorded a couple of couple of songs. Heroin from the Velvet Underground and another that we made up. Heroin is from the third take and La La La is the one and only time we ever played it. Keep in mind this is the first time the three of us have ever played together. It was a lot of fun.

Even Ed should like this. ;-)
Wow, those sound incredibly good! Did you use different recording equipment or something? This guy sounds awesome.

I can imagine those songs with either a) some distortion or b) a piano track. :)

But why is Heroin so long? :(
arden, hace you ecer heard the orignial version of heroin? or any of the live versions? it's a long song.

btw - haven't had a chance to listen yet but have them on the desk top for when i find the appropriate time. thanks for sharing ken!
Arden said:
Wow, those sound incredibly good! Did you use different recording equipment or something? This guy sounds awesome.

I can imagine those songs with either a) some distortion or b) a piano track. :)

But why is Heroin so long? :(

Thanks, Arden. Everything is different there. People, location, equipment, etc. And yes, we used recording equipment. The other stuff you've heard was not; it was just running the mics' input into our drummer's PowerBook. Nothing of those is meant to be anything real, just rehearsal recordings for reference. But this still was with real equipment.

And yes, Ed's right. Heroin is a very long song. Look on the iTMS and you can hear samples. It's on at least a few albums there. VU and Nico, Live in 1969, and I think at least one of the collections. Ed, did you notice that The Live 1969 Vol. 1 they have at the iTMS is missing Heroin yet they list it as a full album? My CD has 10 songs, and the iTMS one has 9, though they don't list it as a partial album. Anyway, I look forward to your comments on Heroin. I think you'll find that the singer sounds A LOT like Lou Reed.

Btw, Arden, the singer here usually plays guitar and sings. He's not a drummer, but here he was playing them, singing, and reading the lyric sheet for Heroin all at the same time. Impressive, no?
Broken glass everywhere... tables and bar stools overturned... cash register missing... Oh no, the bar's been robbed! :eek:
I went to go buy iLife on Sunday (a city over at the Mall) and also saw on the retail website what I thought was a presentation that was going to take place at the Apple Store about iLife. Cool, so I get to see it in action by people that know what they are doing...

I get there, and I can't find iLife anywhere! Huh?
5 minutes later I found one! Uh, but it's the "Family Pack"!
I finally ask someone that works there and he thought they had alot of 'em left. Went to see and non there. Asks another and she says they only have Family Packs left.


So I'll at least wait to see the presentation at 4... 4.15 and nothing! Wha?
I ask the same guy I asked before, and he knew nothing if they where supposed to have one or not.

That was a waste of time!

I finally come back to my town and go straight to CompUSA, 5 minutes later I'm walking out the door with the box. Shesh! :p

Installed it on my PB with no problems and was playing with iPhoto and GarageBand. Awesome! Now I need a music keyboard to plug into it (altho I'm no musician I've always wanted one :D).

Ok, now for the REAL reason I needed iLife.
I get to the studio this morning (and realize I didn't bring my powerbook's charger! D'OH!!! But that's another story), pop the DVD into the G4 tower and anxiously wait for it to mount so I can start installing Garage Band...

And wait...

And wait...


Wait some more as something starts to sink in...


And no, the CD won't help either because GarageBand is meant for the G4 tower!

Great, now what?

I already have it installed on the PowerBook, so I am now in the process of copying over the app and support files via the network in hopes that it will work. Otherwise I'm up a creek without a paddle.
My dad is in Afghanistan, you can see the pictures he has sent me thus far and any others he will send me on my website if you are interested. The page isn't anything fancy, working on an interface but I'm busy with school work. http://www.thinktwisted.com
Sogni, ... if you had an iPod it'd be easy. Drag the stuff (iLife) to iPod .. (as cd contents) .. then install from iPod ;)