Herve's Bar & Grill

Heh. Nope wasnt away fot the valentine. it was pretty out and i had a free weekend. so i went to see my friend to anotehr city. i'll post some pics later, after work .. so in a hurry. can i just have a coffee, to take away? :D
Yea, and I drink coffee when I wake up .. and tons of it during the day.
Actually, today as teh first thing in the morning I didn't have coffee but a lemon powder - trying not to catch a bad cold.
So, .. a refill please. :)
Aw jeez, I've been away too long! When I left we were still at 192 for most online members, now that's grown by more than ten fold! Wow.
What happened to the nice intimate site? :D

Anyways, I'm still busy as hell with piano praice (like five hours a day), and I had my computer time severely limited since October - that's why I haven't been on. Anyway, I think I should have a little time each day to come back here now :)

Oh, and I'm not even going to try to read all the outdated posts. As long as you guys update me on anything big that I missed :D ;)
Hey there. I'm back. Got LASEK (similar to LASIK, but longer healing time yet better for some eyes) and finally getting some decent vision back. I had 20/20 the next morning in my left eye, which everyone at the doctor's said they had never seen so quickly. Usually takes weeks. So I'm just waiting, but excited.
Cooool! Both my parents have had it done. Dad loves it, Mom hated the operation, and hasn't been thrilled with the results.
Sorry to hear about your mom. Maybe she needs to have it retouched. Due to the Flex Spending program at work, I went to possibly the best in NYC. I wasn't being cheap on my vision. :)
Naw, I said she hated the procedure. That was an understatement. She would rather have contacts than do it again :)
Ah, ok. But you also said she wasn't thrilled with the results. It's a little disturbing, people messing with your eyes, but I was really calm. It's definitely not for everyone. But I had such bad vision that it was all good for me, knowing what I would get out of it.
Same for Dad. I think part of the problem is that her eyes are so deep-set that they couldn't clip the machine on right and had to do it to her cheekbone or something. She said it was reeeeaaally painful. Also she didn't like being strapped down. I think she's claustrophobic :)
It's a little disturbing, people messing with your eyes, but I was really calm. It's definitely not for everyone. But I had such bad vision that it was all good for me, knowing what I would get out of it.
You mean you actually consciously _see_ them operating your eyes? I really think I couldn't stand that ... that horror story stuff ... being strapped down and having something sharp cutting your eye up and then the laser ... *shudders* brrrr ... I am shortsighted, I lack 8 points left and 9 right, but I feeling fine with glasses, really fine, don't need lasers me ... everything is just fine ...