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  1. Z

    Programming Cocoa to pause between actions

    How can you program Cocoa to pause between actions? I wan't to make something move across the screen slow, but I don't know how to make Cocoa pause between redraws. Any ideas?
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    Did anybody see that obnoxious Frasier episode?!

    Actually, Apple's marketing department shouldn't get credit for all of Apple's product placement because there are many instances where the producer of a show/movie is a Mac fan and likes to put a Mac in the scene because Mac's look cool.
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    Oh, say, can you 'C'?

    What part of C sucks? The part that is the foundation to Objective C, Java and C++. Everyone knows that all of these "object" based languages are supersets of C, right? Pull any good book on Java, C++ or Objective C and there will be a good chance that the author will point you toward "The C...
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    [HOWTO] - Speed up DNS lookups in OSX

    Setting up OS X to be a DNS might disable Classic mode's ability to connect to the internet. Since I didn't do much internet stuff in Classic mode, this didn't bother me until I wanted to use AIM again. AIM and Netscape in Classic mode wouldn't connect to the internet. This drove me crazy for...
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    [HOWTO] - Speed up DNS lookups in OSX

    After following this trick to speed up DNS lookups, none of my Classic apps can see my internet connection. Anyone else having this problem?
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    Anyone else getting automount icons popping up on your desktop?

    One hasn't popped up lately. But they look like the Network Globe icon in the system preferences with a white external looking HD in front of it. They are always simple named "automount".
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    Anyone else getting automount icons popping up on your desktop?

    This past week, I get automount icons popping up on my desktop. I don't know what this icon is supposed to be connected to and what app is trying to make this connection. Anyone else getting this?
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    Poll: PC and/or Mac users in this forum?

    Fiction: IBM compatiables must be better because they are cheaper Fact: Nothing makes you want to create like a Mac. Price and market share do not a great computer make. Fiction: The web was created by PeeCee inspired people. Fact: HTML and the concept of the browser...
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    iTunes 2 is back up at Apple's website

    iTunes 2 is back up at Apple's website. My main drive has two partitions, and the update went without a hitch.
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    running NFS server on a Solaris box in user mode

    I've been trying to figure out a way to mount a remote home directory in the Finder. My admin tells me that the machine my account is on cannot act as an NFS server, but that I can run an NFS server in user mode. Does anyone know how I can do this if my account is on a Solaris box?
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    ftp/nat/network question

    Give your roommate an account on your machine. Setup your Mac and his Mac as sftp (secured version of ftp) servers. He'll have to ssh to your Mac and then sftp to his Mac. You Mac will pretty much just be playing the part of the middle man. Maybe someone else might have a better idea...
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    Audio programs for osx

    Apple is taking their time with the sound technology on Mac OS X. Latency is a big issue for desktop music. I've heard that Mac OS X will have some impressive low latency numbers. Hopefully Apple and the people who code for ProTools are working closely together on NSSound and other related sound...
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    menu bar thing for iTunes???

    You don't have to wait for the menu to pop up. If you control + click on the iTunes icon in the Dock the iTunes menu will pop up without delay.
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    Got iPod

    The first thing you need to do is make sure you have the latest firmware update for your mac. Whoever told you that you can't boot off an external FireWire drive either didn't understand your question or they shouldn't be behind the genius bar. I've been to the Apple Store near Chicago and I...
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    Got iPod

    Before v10.1, I was booting my Cube off of a firewire drive for four months. Actually, I only had to boot off of the external firewire drive three or four times because v10.0.4 was so stable (the reboots were only done because I was moving my Cube around). What is your system setup?
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    MicroSloth Windose XP report

    Just spotted this post on Cnet for an article titled "Readers: It's not worth the trouble" ( The following comment was posted: Readers rave I think my wife summed it up best when after looking at my monitor and seeing Windows...
  17. Z

    How can I mount a home directory on a remote Unix machine?

    I'm know how to transfer files with ftp from a remote Unix account, but can you mount a remote home directory for the finder to see? I tried "Connect to Server..." from the "Go" menu in the Finder, but when I enter the address of the machine I have the account on, the finder simply says "No file...
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    rootless Xfree86 stuff

    I just finally got Xfree86 to run rootless without a hitch. The sequence of installs of Xfree86 went something like this. 1. read "Rootless X Server on Mac OS X" at "" and followed instructions. This didn't work, but it might be part of the reason the next...
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    Super Quiet G4 Cube!!

    Mac OS X version 10.0.2 has a bug that makes it seem like you can no longer boot off an external FireWire drive without an active internal ATA drive. After I updated to 10.0.2 and upon the required restart, I got a split classic mac during startup. To fix this problem, all I had to do was hold...