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  1. Biff

    Do you use DVD?

    I guess I will make sure to get a DVD drive with my next purchase then
  2. Biff

    iBook screen size

    It is Tuesday! 600 MHz @100MHz bus and DVD looks good to me.
  3. Biff

    iBook screen size

    Thank you guys. After I sell of my PowerBook G3 I will be making a trip to the local Apple Store to buy a new iBook. I will at least wait until the new models are introduced which should be Tuesday.
  4. Biff


  5. Biff


    No wonder I couldn't sign up using the screen name Solaris
  6. Biff

    Do you use DVD?

    I would like to know how many of you watch DVD movies on your Mac? I have a DVD drive and I never watch DVD videos. What about you...
  7. Biff

    Another lawsuit waiting to happen:

    For that price you could get a PowerBook G4
  8. Biff

    iBook screen size

    I would like to hear feedback from iBook 500 MHz users in regards to the screen size and quality. I am currently using a PowerBook G3 333 and since Apple doesn't seem to want to support my machine I am considering moving to an iBook 500 MHz with DVD. This means I will be going from a nice 14...
  9. Biff

    New Mac OS Y out soon…

    I don't think they will be changing the UI. They will probably add a feature that will allow you to change the appearance like in OS 9.x