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  1. B

    My MacOSX has gotten faster! Is it updating itself or something?

    Piet, Is your software update set to automatic update so check the log in system preference that is if it is not greyed out. I might have updated itself while you are sleeping eh.. Boult
  2. B

    OS X 4L5

    AdmiralAK, Just wait till tomorrow for official release so you can click the software update in system preference to get the official apple 10.0.1 update. (it will be only 4.1mb) Later, Boult
  3. B

    DO NOT stuff in applications folder

    read this url from apple's TIL If you guys just wanted to make a alias then select a file and press command key and click-hold then drag to where you want it to be then press option so the cursor will change to alias cursor...
  4. B

    DO NOT stuff in applications folder

    Damn it!! use USER directory and you will see your user name there.. install them there.. that's your home base Application belongs to Root.. and those apps are shared among many users in user dir. think Unix! Cheers, Boult [Edited by boult on 03-28-2001 at 02:05 PM]
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    OS X 4L5

    10.0.1 update will be out tomorrow anyway.. figures.. better get it officially via software update in system preference. Boult
  6. B

    printer drivers

    Espons has released drivers for OS X today.. They are available in your iDisk Cheers, Boult
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    Want to know if your printer will work with OS X 10.0?

    Espons has released drivers for OS X today.. They are available in your iDisk Cheers, Boult
  8. B

    Epson 850, Beige G3 OSX printing

    Espons has released drivers for OS X today.. They are available in your iDisk I don't know if this helps or not.. Cheers, Boult
  9. B

    printer drivers

    Yeah they are still a temporary supports by Apple, it is inside the library folders .. it is not enhanced like the real thing.. please do check with either HP or Espons webstie for offical release.. that's why Apple decided to include those support althought those cames from tioga.sdk...
  10. B

    IE 5.5 kills OS X

    That screenshot you saw is from old Build, Apple did remove Secure login (SSH) for some reason like copyright or licesening... it has been mentioned somewhere in this forum. if want to have SSH then install yourself.. Boult
  11. B

    printer drivers

    Yes they will when the 24th roll around.. :) the X final wil have a interim support for hp and other printer. So when you get the X Final then visit your printer vendor's site for their printer software for X to replace the built in interim support with the offical one which would be...
  12. B

    Mac OS X wannabe questions

    CJNE, check to check the spec on the os itself.. what it supports and all. Boult
  13. B

    OS X 1.0 & software

    Har Har Har.. His invoice must be generated after Schiller said it is 10.0 :) maybe those who got "1.0" must be way before Schiller mentioned "10.0" so they realized the confused so they set it straight.. :)
  14. B

    OS X 1.0 & software

    Must be typo.. I went to apple store and added X to order cart and I only see "Mac OS X" before the part nbr. I guess it is really a typo. just wait till you get your copy next week and take a look under the hood to find the actual version. it will be 10.0
  15. B

    Installing later builds over OS X PB

    Yeah Apple has a GM out on March 7th and some store in Canada are recieving them now and holding them till 24th. Go see
  16. B

    OS X 1.0 & software

    Hahaha.. wait till you get your copy, then fire up Apple System Profiler then please tell me what it says.. Boult
  17. B

    OS X 1.0 & software

    If you ordered that from other source than Apple then they are wrong.. if you ordered directly from's store it will just show "Mac OS X" Boult
  18. B

    Installing later builds over OS X PB

    billbaloney, I have installed 4K78 over 4K73 and all is well. No symptons that you described occured as long I leave anything outside of home directory intact.. It is recommened that anything outside of home directory should be left alone and make a alias to that applicaitons in your...
  19. B

    Mac OS X is GM !

    Call whatever you like so you can confuse everyone.. but for your curiousity, check Apple System Profiler, it will tell you what version it is... Boult
  20. B

    It is called Mac OS X 10.0 !!!! (see n/t

    If one of you have a 4Kxx build you can check the system info in Apple System Profiler and find out what version it is.. it will show: Mac OS overview System: Mac OS X 10.0 4Kxx