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  1. kerisbf

    iBook Video question

    Alright, I managed to find one and borrow it, but I can't get it to work! The audio goes through, but not the video. The TV is just a blue screen. I tried changing the resolution, but nothing happens. Any suggestions? -keris
  2. kerisbf

    iBook Video question

    Ok, I'm a little confused. I'd like to buy an Apple iBook AV cable, or whatever they're called, to connect my iBook to my tv. I understand to do this, I need a composite video output. After digging around in the Help files, I found pictures of all these things, and the only jack that looks...
  3. kerisbf

    Question Mark

    Thanks genghiscohen! We got it fixed without having to wait around for the helpdesk. Chances are they would have implemented their favorite fix: a reimage. I do love Marquette. My second year here, and I'm sure there will be many many more! -keris
  4. kerisbf

    Keychain Access

    Alright, here's one for ya I can't get my Keychain to remember my iChat password. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't accept it. Well, turns out I've got two Keychain accounts, one of them, listed as "admin" and the other "pgilchri" iChat asks to access the "admin"...
  5. kerisbf

    Question Mark

    A friend of mine is having problems with her iBook. When she starts it up, she only gets the disk with the flashing question mark (this means the computer can't find a startup disk, right?) And of course, our campus help desk is closed today. We tried to figure out what was wrong using the...
  6. kerisbf

    iTunes on a TV?

    Hi all! Is there any way I could hook up my iBook to a television to display iTunes visualizations? It would be great if I could work it to have the visualizations only on the tv, and not my screen... Any suggestions? keris
  7. kerisbf

    Calendar Programs

    Well, we've got our iBooks, but it doesn't look like my university is going to upgrade us to Jaguar!!! grrr SO, since I won't be able to use iCal, a program I was looking forward to using, does anyone have any recommendations on other calendar programs that I could use in system 10.1.5...
  8. kerisbf

    Can anyone tell me what app I need to combine avi files

    sorry, can't help you there, but do you know a player for mac that supports avi files?
  9. kerisbf

    iBook Triumph!

    It's been awhile since I posted, but perhaps a few of you remember me :) I'm a student at Northern Michigan University, and I am typing from my new Apple iBook that the university has issued as an option to the Art and Design students. They will be mandatory next year. The university still...
  10. kerisbf

    What happend at last?

    (unfortunately) IE is the fastest browser i've been able to find for my imac (500mhz g3, an oldie but goody), faster than netscape and even chimera. chimera was actually the very slowest, maybe i'm doing something wrong? even so, i am able to piddle on the i-net just as fast as my roommate...
  11. kerisbf

    University of Texas Program Requires Macs w/ OS X

    I sure hope that this will influence other Universities! I hear that mine has approved some sort of plan or something to support Apple machines for the students, but it will probably take them 5 years to get it under way... -keris
  12. kerisbf


    hi all. i am interested in downloading quake for osx, but i'm a gaming newbie and have no idea where to start. if anyone could tell me where to get a download, how to play, you know, things newbies should know how to do! :) thanks! keris
  13. kerisbf


    Alright, here's a question for you: I just downloaded a video game emulator called MacMAME from VersionTracker. I also downloaded one game, Robby Roto. Do any of you know where I can find more games (ROMS, I think they're called) for this emulator? -keris
  14. kerisbf

    Unix Advantages

    Alright, I have another question involving Macs and Universities for you: There is a small movement for Mac laptops at my University (see my other post entitled "Laptops and Universities"), but unfortunately, there isn't much support for it. All of the advocates are Art and Design majors, and...
  15. kerisbf

    Laptops and Universities!

    Thanks for that tidbit! I'll be sure to visit their website, and probably give them a call to see what I can find out. My university is also looking at wireless. We already have it installed in our campus apartments, and the administration would like it in the dorms too. I think it would...
  16. kerisbf

    Laptops and Universities!

    The university is Northern Michigan University, in Marquette, MI. We get the laptops for the duration of the school year, and if we pay a fee we can keep them for the summer (the fee is put towards your bill in the fall). You get the laptops for two years before they upgrade you to a newer...
  17. kerisbf

    Laptops and Universities!

    Oh, there's no ban on Macs, in fact, I know quite a few people who have them. We're just trying to get the university to offer us another laptop option. We have to pay for them in our tuition whether we use them or not, so we may as well have something we will use. kerisbf
  18. kerisbf

    Laptops and Universities!

    That's encouraging to hear! :) Our entire campus is pc based (that's 8,000 students and I don't know how many professors), except for our Art and Design deptartment, which has two Mac labs. The Art and Design professors were also given the option to get an iBook. (They're the only people...
  19. kerisbf

    Laptops and Universities!

    Hi all! I'd like your help, if you don't mind... A friend of mine is running for president of ASNMU (my university's student government). Part of his platform will be expanding our Laptop Initiative to include Macs for the students, in addition to the IBM Thinkpads the university already...
  20. kerisbf

    Cult of the Mac

    quote: "There is absolutely no need in constantly bullying people because of their OS preference... jesus christ, its only a preference, if someone bought a chicken pastie, and you prefer beef pasties, do you run up to them and say 'oooooo hows your incompatible pastie? my pastie is soo much...