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  1. D

    Would you buy an iPod?

    I think it is a good price considering design/feaures.... BUT how about an iPod Light for us students? Maybe with only a 1 GB drive? Give the slowdown in the market, I think this is too expensive of an item. I don't want a cheap product, but this may be more than anyone nees. :(...
  2. D

    new formac 17" LCD

    Very cool looking, and it uses ADC :)
  3. D

    Aww..... silly problems.

    Ok, 10.1 is great, I like the speed, new features, etc. BUT two really odd problems that nobody else seems to have, but that occur on two of my partitions even after both have been clean installed. 1) I can't mount ANY disk images. It returns and error -192 2) I cannot connect to my...