Search results

  1. Ifrit

    Nanosaur 2 - stuck at 16bit color deph

    The Pangeasoft tech service, told me the same. "The mac mini isn't capable of running Nanosaurs 2 in 32bit color mode, due the limited amount of vRAM. The game requires at least 64MB." I still think the mac mini is able to run the game in 32bit. Maybe not at a high resolution. But at least -...
  2. Ifrit

    Security problem? Deja vu - installed - out of nowhere

    Yes, after you mentioned it I remember: I installed toast around two days ago and didn't look into the preferences since.
  3. Ifrit

    Security problem? Deja vu - installed - out of nowhere

    Today I woke my mac mini from sleep and noticed a new icon inside the system preference panel in the category "others". Its called "deja vu" and it apears to contain certain functions like making backups of certain folders/files etc within a certain time interval. The strange thing is: I...
  4. Ifrit

    Yet another Personal Freedom Thread (was: School bans iPods)

    Good points cfleck. If I take these points into account it changes my view a bit. Maybe there is another factor. "Overuse" of technic and "status symbol". We are still talking about childrens or teens aren't we? It might be that some kids don't know when to put the ipod back. But this...
  5. Ifrit

    Yet another Personal Freedom Thread (was: School bans iPods)

    What I am trying to say is, that I am against forced social interaction. Everyone expresse him/herself differently and other people have different times when they are social active. For example: Someone is exhausted directly after the classes other when they arrive at home and there are...
  6. Ifrit

    Yet another Personal Freedom Thread (was: School bans iPods)

    I don't think this banning will increase social activity. If you continue the trail of thought, then they should ban books (belletristic) too, 'cause if you are reading you usually don't interact much with other people. Secondly, if I am not willing to interact then I usually don't. I see no...
  7. Ifrit

    Great engine for playing Doom I + II, Heretic, Hexen + Expansions

    After the release of Doom 3, id released a pack containing Doom I + II + expansions (if it wasn't released before, but I saw it only shortly before the Doom 3 PC came into the stores). You should be able to get it really cheap nowadays. Otherwise: ebay...
  8. Ifrit

    Great engine for playing Doom I + II, Heretic, Hexen + Expansions

    In another thread you mentioned that you played Heretic etc. with Virtual PC. I found that a bit odd. Doom Legacy for example - one of the first engines which let you play Doom I + II with opengl - exists since the OS 9 days. Jdoom is still the best looking out there (although I've heard the...
  9. Ifrit

    Great engine for playing Doom I + II, Heretic, Hexen + Expansions

    Jdoom is the best looking opengl based engine which let you play the old Doom based games. The author bought himself a Powerbook and his engine to Mac OSX. Its still beta, but works fine and runs fast. Colored lightening + coronas + particle effects really bring new life to the old titles...
  10. Ifrit

    Nanosaur 2 - stuck at 16bit color deph

    My color Deph is always set to 16,7 Million Colors. (I have to work with Photoshop and Final Cut Express.)
  11. Ifrit

    Nanosaur 2 - stuck at 16bit color deph

    One week ago I got my mac mini, which came with Nanosaur 2 (great game BTW). My only problem is, that I am unable to change the color deph to 32bit and the resolution beyond 1024x768 (85Hz). I already ugrated to 512MB RAM but the graphic options are still greyed out. Granted, the build in GPU...
  12. Ifrit

    I am looking for a Tiger picture...

    Maybe if you are interested check out Lot's of really high res animal photos. Free. I found the link to this site deeply buried in my Mail app's "Don't delete! - Folder." :rolleyes: A Designer gave me a list with lots of links around 1 1/2...
  13. Ifrit

    I am looking for a Tiger picture...

    Ah, you are right, Steve mentioned it when he did the search with Spotlight (and then iPhoto or the picture fullscreen preview crashed :p )'s RAW pictures are also fully meta tagged, aren't they? Thank you all for your help.
  14. Ifrit

    I am looking for a Tiger picture...

    I appologize for bothering you with trivial questions... Ok, at the Macworld San Francisco 2005, Steve Jobs showed new features of Tiger's (OSX 10.4) mail app. In this demonstration one e-mail message had a picture of a "tiger dashing through the snow" attached. I would love to use a high...
  15. Ifrit

    How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

    Around 2002 I got my first mac - a Blueberry ibook G3 300Mhz. Bought it cheap (used) from a doctor at our university. After my first experience with OSX I sold this machine. 800x600 resolution wasn't enough. I even made a little profit on ebay. I spend the money towards the purchase of an...
  16. Ifrit

    powerbook dos and donts

    - put something in between keyboard & screen when the book is closed, otherwise the keyboard can make "stains" on the screen. Depends on how you store your Powerbook. For examble: I often put my ibook in a laptop bag without anything which might apply pressure to it. I don't have any problems...
  17. Ifrit

    Your Mac accidents

    I noticed that a bottle is much more secure if you are drinking in front of a computer. First, if it falls the bottle has to be at a certain (larger) degree in order to spill it's content. This will give you more time to react and catch it. Secondly not that much is spilled 'cause of the thinner...
  18. Ifrit

    Palm - Hotsync with Bluetooth Problem

    Ok, I found the solution by myself. The Hotsync listening on the BT serial port was accidentaly disabled, so the incomming sync connection could not be processed. :rolleyes:
  19. Ifrit

    Palm - Hotsync with Bluetooth Problem

    Today I bought a Bluetooth dongle (Trust BT180 Class 1 USB Bluetooth Adaptor). Connecting and "pairing" devices works fine, I am able to receive and send files, isync works fine with my t610. The only problem I have is that syncing my Palm Tungsten T5 over Bluetooth doesn't work. I didn't...
  20. Ifrit

    palm software

    Most of the software and links to the developers pages can be found here: or poket tunes: Novii Remote: Cardbackup: mmplayer: