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  1. atoms

    Active Server Pages on Apache?

    sorry to drag the thread back so close to the original topic, but Anyone tried, or given any thought to running Jakarta/Tomcat?
  2. atoms

    is osx a true unix system

    Click, Perhaps your friend, at some subconscious level, is nervous. Most of the really cool stuff in computing lately has been coming from the various parts of the unix world. microsoft is looking more and more pathetic as it continues to try and rewrite the standards for the world it...
  3. atoms

    apache wont start

    wow. It never occured to me to even look for pico. A blast from the past... Pico is fine for editing little files, but evenutally, since you are clearly on the path to unix guru-hood, you will want to learn vi and emacs. ;)
  4. atoms

    USB - Palm (Handspring) synching?

    Rob, No. I answered my question. The question was: Can a person sync a Handspring Visor in OSX? (i could not get it to work in the Public Beta) The answer is: YES! (using a usb cradle and the Palm Desktop software running in Classic mode.)
  5. atoms

    Dock in right side of menu bar

    I agree that your idea would make a great option. It seems that a lot of real estate it is tied up with this stuff. I generally have the dock set as small as possible. Most of the time there would be room to cram it into the menu bar. I would also love to see (or hear about) an easy way...
  6. atoms

    USB - Palm (Handspring) synching?

    In the interest of anyone else who may be wondering, synching a visor w/ a usb cradle works fine in OSX 10.0. It uses Classic, but at least it works. Yay! how pathetic! I must respond to my own post... (I guess that means the answer to my question was too obvious for anyone to bother.)
  7. atoms

    Internet explorer bugs?

    Hmm. Flash seems to work fine on my IE. I share the sentiments and experiences posted above re: Omniweb. It seems very sluggish. And on some pages it just hangs completely. wah...
  8. atoms

    OmniWeb - What am I missing?

    I agree that stopping pop-up windows is a truly great thing. This feature is also available in the latest release of Mozilla. I'm not sure if there is an interface for it yet, so we may have to wait for the next release to be able to use it easily. I'm not actually advocating...
  9. atoms

    USB - Palm (Handspring) synching?

    Greetings, does anyone have any news about USB compatibility in 10.0? The only glaring problem for me with the public beta has been my inability to sync up a Visor. Thanks.
  10. atoms

    Spaces Please

    Thank you thank you thank you both. Software like this will help those of us who use X windows all day at work no longer cringe when we settle down to use our macs. Thanks for the tip!
  11. atoms

    Active Server Pages on Apache?

    For the love of whatever you hold sacred - why would a person use ASP when you finally have a real (UNIX) server? I 'm sure you spent some time learning asp or paid someone to write some stuff for you in it, but take the step - find the strength to put that silliness behind you. Learn PHP...
  12. atoms

    Terminal tips

    thanks for the advice. But doesn't that alias mess up any other use of ls, such as ls -al and the like? Unless I have no use for any of the flags for a command, I prefer to asign such an alias to a string that does not already exist as a command name. For example I used: alias ll ls-F
  13. atoms

    Are the mail accounts working?

    I signed up for a macosxmail account. I never got any email confirming that it worked. I can login via the web page at: . Then I get a menu. Some of the menu items seem to work, (Generate a new Random ID, Spam Block) but most of them (Modiffy your Account...
  14. atoms

    CVS for X

    so you type "which cvs" at the prompt (in the terminal application, in OS X) and get "cvs: Command not found."?
  15. atoms

    CVS for X

    It works for me. Installing it must have been pretty trivial because I don't even recall doing it! I know that I did not install the whole of Darwin. I have tried to do that (without success) to get pgp.