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  1. Oscar Castillo

    Mac mini

    Isn't that 2 months at 166US?
  2. Oscar Castillo

    Mac mini

    Never buy RAM from Apple. Unless they dropped RAM prices to match other online stores.
  3. Oscar Castillo

    Did anyone notice the 20" display price drop?

    What's the actual height and width of the just the LCD area of the Cinema Displays?
  4. Oscar Castillo

    Are 2D videogames irrelevant?

    2d shmups rule!!! But that's my opinion.
  5. Oscar Castillo

    ODBC drivers for mdb & visual foxpro

    Only thing I've seen is this. If you come across anything for Visual FoxPro let me know.
  6. Oscar Castillo

    PPC popularity

    For months I've been reading about PPC in XboxII. PPC in PSIII and perhaps even PPC in new Nintendo consoles. Which kinda gets me thinking about IBMs priorities in delivering these chips. Obviously any one of these consoles will outsell the combined sales of all Apple G5 systems, so I have to...
  7. Oscar Castillo

    Apple - two words to consider: "Home Automation"

    I'll be happy if they keep improving the PowerMac line at regular intervals. Apple could make some money in the consumer electronics market as the iPod shows, but as long as that doesn't take away from innovation in the computer line then ok. Maybe Apple could release an HTPC that doesn't look...
  8. Oscar Castillo

    what happened to VirtualPC7?

    Don't you think it would be several PPC generations before VPC would run at speeds equivalent to a decent PC? So it wouldn't get old quite as fast as you may think. What's the equivalent PC performance of VPC on current Mac hardware?
  9. Oscar Castillo

    new tiger/select dev. kit

    Golden Master. I been thinking about that, although $500 is no small change, it does come with some usual items.
  10. Oscar Castillo

    Visual Basic.Net for Mac OS X?

    What's really interesting is CocoaSharp. Cocoa API calls from C#. So I suppose C# isn't a complete waste after all.
  11. Oscar Castillo

    what happened to VirtualPC7?

    If someone is willing to settle for software emulation then they certainly aren't looking for the latest and greatest. And if they are I'm sure someone can come up with a design that vents rearward like some nVidia processors.
  12. Oscar Castillo

    newbie in mac

    Cocoa is a framework, a collection of APIs that will allow you to create programs that are native to OS X only. They will not work on previous Mac OS. Carbon is also a framework that was created to bridge the old code from pre OS X days to work under the new environment with as few changes as...
  13. Oscar Castillo

    Your Mac accidents

    I installed Norton Internet Security. No choice but to reinstall the OS and toss Norton in the trash.
  14. Oscar Castillo

    what happened to VirtualPC7?

    It makes more sense than having VirtualPC. I had Mac and PC compatability back when I had my Amiga. Three systems in one and hardware based. It was the best. Innovation like that seems to have died among 3rd party peripheral manufacturers. Sure you can do the 2 or 3 systems with the KVM...
  15. Oscar Castillo

    Apple store is down... -> PowerMac G5 Single 1.8 GHz

    Easier perhaps, but the distinction between models is more apparent in cost and not so much in added features. The consumer line more than the pro line.
  16. Oscar Castillo

    New ATI x800 for Mac

    Like I said either card is awesome. The Radeon 9800 Pro is not in the same league as the 6800 GT or Ultra. The GT will save you $100 bucks. Will you see a $100 dollar performance difference out of it? Probably not, but rest assured you have the top of the line Mac video card for quite some...
  17. Oscar Castillo

    New ATI x800 for Mac

    Yes I do believe those are education pricing. Look at displays you should see the 6800 GT listed in there are well as all the other cards. Unless for some odd reason the 6800 GT is offered at a education discount.
  18. Oscar Castillo

    Apple store is down... -> PowerMac G5 Single 1.8 GHz

    Dell is in the same situation with their desktops. There are no significant differences from one system to another and in many cases the price may only be $100 dollars apart. On the Mac however, the cost difference is greater yet with much of the same basic components throughout.
  19. Oscar Castillo

    what happened to VirtualPC7?

    What ever happened to the PC cards? Software emulation is cheaper, but you have to compromise too much performance. I'd of thought that by now things would be extremely cheap so software emulation wouldn't be necessary? If $500 & $600 video cards are the norm surely people would pay that much...
  20. Oscar Castillo

    Using Xcode and Interface Builder

    For documentation on the APIs, look here: And these are sites to look at for ideas, suggestions, help..etc....