MoNkeY mAgIc
Simian Deformity
My biggest problem with eyeTV is that it's gonna be using my processor cycles recording the TV show whilst I'm trying to work (why else would I want to record something - me have a life beyond my mac - unthinkable
**Warning - rambling stream of consciousness**
I'd prefer it to do the recording - eyeHome could then aggregate the media content for me - From my Mac, from the PVR (itself). This is why I'd prefer apple to release somit like this - a totally new device. Then my computer can be for computing and the like and my media server can deal with my media requirements - all tightly integrated - iPhoto storing it's photos on the media server etc etc.
As far as I can tell eyeHome supports symbolic links to other drives so that solves some of it.
I suppose basically what I'm describing is a low cost dumb device which just acts as a repository for the stuff. Then I'd like my dumb terminal (TV - tablet or the like), to display the stuff, with my mac doing the application leg work, running iTunes etc. But the encoding of new media to be done by the eyeHome type device (Even if I put the CD in my apple). Collaborative devices doing what they do best.
Not sure if that all makes sense - I'm still trying to get my head round it all. But in the meantime eyeHome looks like it's as close as I'll get.

**Warning - rambling stream of consciousness**

I'd prefer it to do the recording - eyeHome could then aggregate the media content for me - From my Mac, from the PVR (itself). This is why I'd prefer apple to release somit like this - a totally new device. Then my computer can be for computing and the like and my media server can deal with my media requirements - all tightly integrated - iPhoto storing it's photos on the media server etc etc.
As far as I can tell eyeHome supports symbolic links to other drives so that solves some of it.
I suppose basically what I'm describing is a low cost dumb device which just acts as a repository for the stuff. Then I'd like my dumb terminal (TV - tablet or the like), to display the stuff, with my mac doing the application leg work, running iTunes etc. But the encoding of new media to be done by the eyeHome type device (Even if I put the CD in my apple). Collaborative devices doing what they do best.
Not sure if that all makes sense - I'm still trying to get my head round it all. But in the meantime eyeHome looks like it's as close as I'll get.