Apple - two words to consider: "Home Automation"

My biggest problem with eyeTV is that it's gonna be using my processor cycles recording the TV show whilst I'm trying to work (why else would I want to record something - me have a life beyond my mac - unthinkable ;)).

**Warning - rambling stream of consciousness** ;)

I'd prefer it to do the recording - eyeHome could then aggregate the media content for me - From my Mac, from the PVR (itself). This is why I'd prefer apple to release somit like this - a totally new device. Then my computer can be for computing and the like and my media server can deal with my media requirements - all tightly integrated - iPhoto storing it's photos on the media server etc etc.

As far as I can tell eyeHome supports symbolic links to other drives so that solves some of it.

I suppose basically what I'm describing is a low cost dumb device which just acts as a repository for the stuff. Then I'd like my dumb terminal (TV - tablet or the like), to display the stuff, with my mac doing the application leg work, running iTunes etc. But the encoding of new media to be done by the eyeHome type device (Even if I put the CD in my apple). Collaborative devices doing what they do best.

Not sure if that all makes sense - I'm still trying to get my head round it all. But in the meantime eyeHome looks like it's as close as I'll get.
It does make sense!!! I think we are each thinking of the same kind of thing! Just waiting for someone to build it and it does seem that Apple would build something really neat.
karavite said:
Why can't iPhoto let me view my photos on my TV?

What would be really cool and a great stepping stone toward connecting all your media and entertainment with your computer would be wireless monitor connections. You could create a wireless adaptor for your TV or receiver and there ya go!

I think eventually, we won't have "TVs" but giant flat monitors. The monitor will be used to view TV broadcasts and movies but will be controlled by a computer somewhere so that you would have access to files and network connections. The control of these would probably be some sort of palm-top computer that would be used as the "remote".

The home will have technology completely integrated. Everything will be connected and easy to control. I think most of us see this coming. I, for one, can't wait!
macgeek said:
I think most of us see this coming. I, for one, can't wait!

Great macgeek! - I was beginning to think I was an oddball gagdet freek! :)

You know, in line with your TV evolution idea, it is in someways been happening for some time. I mean people rarely use the receiver in their TV with cable boxes, DVDs, video games... Our "TVs" are essentailly monitors as it is. At the same time remotes for all the things hooked up to our TVs have been going nuts (there are so many cool though expensive universal remotes for everything - The only thing missing here is no wires and the computer!
Well well well - how about AirPort Express with AirTunes!

It still doesn't offer remote control of iTunes from anywhere but your Mac, but could this be a sign that Apple is moving toward something that we are all drueling for here on this thread!?! I mean, it LOOKS like a little X10 device! :)

P.S. This may be old and/or obvious news, but many radio stations that offer streams as mp3s can be played on iTunes and/or added as a play list item. As long as it has a .pls file format, you are all set. I think this is the way to go vs. Real, WMP and everything else out there.
The thread that never dies...

Anyone read about Broadband over Power Lines (BPL)? See this article in the NY Times (warning you need to subscribe, but its free):

It sounds pretty cool!

Though they aren't talking about it specifically, I wonder: if we can access the network via electrical outlets, then why couldn't anything plugged into those same outlets access the network and anything else on the network? E.g. not just our computers, but all our other gadgets? Seems like this could be a big benefit to home automation. Like taking X-10 to a whole new level.
I'll be happy if they keep improving the PowerMac line at regular intervals. Apple could make some money in the consumer electronics market as the iPod shows, but as long as that doesn't take away from innovation in the computer line then ok. Maybe Apple could release an HTPC that doesn't look like a computer sitting next to your TV like everyone else has.
karavite said:
Anyone read about Broadband over Power Lines (BPL)?

I remember in my first year at university, which would have been 6 or 7 years ago now, I had to give a presentation on the future of the internet. I remember talking about a power company in the UK, Norweb rings a bell, that were testing or trialling this.

I've not really heard anything about it since then.

I guess in theory any appliance pluged into the mains could access the network, however I think to do so each appliance would need it's own built in BPL modem, which could be costly, and time consuming to configure.

I think you can already get some devices that allow you to network computers over your existing mains circuit. If other devices had built in network adapters they could connect to this network anyway, and then via your router to the internet (much safer than direct connection as then you can place them behind a firewall to stop people hacking into your toaster and burning your house down).
Hi Inoelstorr. Sounds like you had a great education over there! :) Yes, currently you can use X-10 devices that use the existing house electrical system as a network and my house is full of these little guys. See:

X-10 has been around for years and years and they are surprisingly adaptable despite having a few basic commands and channels. I really don't understand how and why, but it seems that if the homes electrical grid was also providing the network connection, the potential for expanding on this for home automation seems to be there. You are 100% right - equipping all our appliances with some kind of adapter would be expensive and impractical, but newer and more powerful "network aware" X-10 type devices could be built on this technology too - maybe?

Relating any of this to Apple, well, if new standards for this type of thing were adopted, Apple could really rock in creating fabulous easy to use and clever software and hardware to let us all expand our access to music, images, video and anything else. I realize they have enough to worry about, but they seem to be leaning in a similar high level distributed media direction - iPods with images, Airport Express... and distributing media is a big part of home automation.
Yeah, sorry I know about X10, what I was talking about is something that lets you network computers through you mains circuit.

From what I understand, X10 is all about switching apliances on and off, the thing I'm talking about allows you to network computers together over your mains circuit.
Right - I guess what I am talking about is a merged set of what we are both talking about - allowing my computers and network to access and control appliances and AV equipment throughout the house! :)
This is probably one of the coolest threads here, and I've always loved thinking about things like this. What I just can't stop thinking about though is a completely networked lighting system, a sort of mess of wireless and wired network with a central server and several nodes of actual lights. The lights would each use some low power wireless (like bluetooth) to interface with a controller (think cellphone) which could also call the server (does bluetooth do hopping like 802.11? that could be really cool...).

So your phone could have software which could sense which lights are nearby via bluetooth, give you the option to turn them on/off, and also could turn lights on say up the stairs in the hall so you didn't trip over your bike as you were stumbling up to bed...

And what would limit this to your lights? You could wake up and have a program set to turn the lights on, start the shower, start the tea water, etc - And I bet you could do this with x10 right now - but it would be so much cooler if it was wireless...
mr. k said:
And I bet you could do this with x10 right now - but it would be so much cooler if it was wireless...

Why would it be better if it was wireless?

Wireless is good when it saves having extra wires, but all these electrical things are already wired. The point of X10 is that it takes advantage of these extra wires.

A wireless interface into this network would be good, but you could just have a Computer with wireless (bluetooth or WiFi) that was connected to the network, and you could control everything via a wireless connection to that.

Every devices on the network having a wireless interface just seems pointless, as they are already wired.
The thing about wireless to me is that devices could tell whether or not they were nearby. I'm sure you could use power lines to conduct the brunt of communications, and just a little rfid tag or something to communicate with a handset you carry around with you, and you just say "lights" or something and the lights of the room you are in turn on. That would be cool. Or you stand nearby the stove and say "back-left-burner on medium," to boil up some water. Plus wireless is just really cool...
Howdy Mr K! In a way, I am kind of sort of "living the dream" you talked about. I have an X-10 system in the house and a bluetooth cell phone. I am using Indigo on my Mac to run my X-10 system (though many of my light and appliance modules can do their own basic on/off things without the Mac or Indigo running). Indigo also has bluetooth capabilities and I have played with that. For example, I can set Indigo to set a variable on whether I am home or not based on its picking up my phone (when it is on) since my Mac can detect my cell phone within about 40-50 feet. From this I can run other Indigo actions based on that status of that "At home" variable. For example, if "at home" = true, run action "recognize motion detector A1 and let it turn on light A2, but only if it is after sunset (Indigo checks the web for each days sunrise and sunset times).

Now for the bad news - it really isn't practical. Having to run my Mac 24/7 let alone my cell phone is just not something I (let alone my wife) I always do. Still, all the little pieces are there, just not put together in a way that makes it all practical.

lnoelstorr has a very good point though. X-10 often seems to people to be crude or simple, but it really is just plain elegant. Lights or appliances that can be plugged in don't need to be smart or aware - X-10 takes care of all that.

Here is a link to Indigo -

You can download a trial/demo and even if you don't have a single X-10 device, you can play with it to see how you could program your home.

P.S. The one thing I do have fun with is using my bluetooth phone to start iTunes. I can use it to browse playlists including playlists with online news oriented radio stations. My computer is upstairs, but it runs an audio line to my stereo downstairs. So, if I want to listen to the news downstairs, I can do it remotely.
Hi Chevy - I don't know much about this person or Umax beyond the old Mac clones and what the article says. Can you please tell me how is he a home automation expert? Also, there is a post on a Apple media server that seems highly related to all these discussions!
Well, here is evidence on why MS cannot lead in home automation and Apple (or anyone) could simply kick their arse with a reliable and easy to use applications/hardware... - check out this video from the consumer electronics show where Bill Gates himself is demoing the MS Media Center and it simply hoses in front of a live audience with Connan Obrian there to really yuck it up while Bill is fuming quietly!!! (Bloopers dog Gates at CES)

What is this - about the 10th time Bill Gates has had a "technical issue" during a demo? You gotta love it!!! :-)