Apple - two words to consider: "Home Automation"

I done bought me a house. So, consider the Apple Home Automation Testing Lab and Proving Grounds open for business! All donations accepted! :)
Nice... how much was it? (If you don't mind me asking...) Are you going to wire every room with Cat-5 and whatnot? :)
karavite said:
I done bought me a house. So, consider the Apple Home Automation Testing Lab and Proving Grounds open for business! All donations accepted! :)
Congratulations karavite! Presumably this is now somewhere warmer, eh?!

Me too! I'm moving to Malta! First job is Cat 5 throughout! I will be looking again at all the X10 Europe sites now... Do let us know if you find anything new and exciting!!!

Yeah, see, I want to build my own house someday, and when I get rich enough to do that I'm going to prepare it with Cat-5 and coax throughout, including wireless access points, and a fully-featured home recording studio. :)
Arden said:
Nice... how much was it? (If you don't mind me asking...)

Arden, such personal questions! :) If Applewhore tells us how much his Maltese seaside castle costs, I'll pitch in mine! :) Actually Arden, my brother did just what you want to do - brand new house with cat 5 everywhere. I like older houses myself, but each has advantages and disadvantages. Arden, you should pick up a copy of "Smart Homes for Dummies" (NOT that you are a dummy), but it could give you plenty to dream about and plan for your house!

Applewhore, Malta! Wow, that is so great. Tell us more! We are moving to Philadelphia and though it is old in terms of the US, that is not the same as European old.

Any way, I think my home automation focus will be a little different than what other people might expect - then again, maybe not. I mean "smart home" means all kinds of things:

1. Automation and control of electrical appliances and lights.
2. Networked computing.
3. Security systems.
4. Telephony.
5. Distributed media (audio and video).
(did I miss anything?)
6. Integrating and controlling 1 - 5!

I'm going to concentrate first on 1 and 5. With so many available X-10 devices like switches and motion sensors (US - sorry applewhore!!!) 1 can be done pretty cheaply, but I have been using Indigo on my Mac to extend the capabilities of X-10 devices and it is a lot of fun, though you need to have your computer on 24-7 to use it 24-7. I now have an old iMac G3 (runs Panther just fine) that I will dedicate to being my "Indigo machine." Many newer universal remotes can access and control X-10 devices (along with all your AV equipment), so I will be getting into this as well.

As far as 5, well this is where I wish Apple would be more involved. I have a home theater system, two stereos and 3 Macs, all with iTunes and various music, internet radio on players and one with FCP and all kinds of videos I have made and edited. I want them all to let me access various media from each anywhere. Sure it can almost all be done with all kinds of weird hacks and connections, but I want more. I could also go and fork out thousands for dedicated media servers, but minus some software, I think my Mac could be one too. I understand many people are using a $150 X-Box to serve up audio all over a house. I won't buy a MS product, but the next Playstation is reported to do the same and more. I think I posted an article here somewhere, but game consoles seem poised to really take off as the central brain of automated homes and distributed media. Who knows what Apple is planning or not, but they could certainly do a better more thoughtful job on this than anybody (set up an Airport to print wirelessly then do the same with Linksys to see what I mean) - plus they would make it cool and desirable to more people (think iPod) not just geeks like myself, arden and applewhore! :)

P.S. I'll be the first to admit a lot of this seems silly, extremely geeky and all that, but for 10 years or so I have worked "on the side" in applying technology for people who are disabled and I really enjoy it. Plus, it lets me make something productive out of my Star Trek inspired personal fantasies. So much of this kind of smart home technology has a lot of potential for people who are disabled, but it needs people like us to sort out the little details and cost issues. It needs to be easy and cheap and what I find frustating is there are so many little pieces in place, but have yet to be put together. Of course this is improving all the time.

I've lived in Phila all my life.

My suggestion would be to concentrate on number 3 first.
Hey Bobw - not to get too off topic, but I guess we will be neighbors! :-)

Thanks for the advice, but the house has a security system already! We are in Mt. Airy west and it seems like a safe neighborhood, though it is a city and you always have to be smart. Plus I work at home and am home all day, we have a dog and good neighbors. Still, I am from Detroit originally and had my share of #3 issues in my life. Next to Detroit, Philly looks easy! Actually, I am a little more worried about my car and street parking!
Mt Airy is right on the fringe of trouble. Keep your doors and windows locked. I live in the far NorthEast. Good luck with your move.
bobw, seems things are improving in Mt. Airy quite a bit - real estate prices are shooting up like crazy, and I even saw some Manhattenites looking at houses there. Though our new house certainly isn't one, right around the corner are quite a few million $ plus old homes. Maybe I am too naive, but it seems like Philly is ripe for gentrification or some kind of "rebirth" in many areas. Supposedly the up and coming hot place to invest in now is Fishtown (or is it Fish Town?).

To make this barely on topic, perhaps a fully automated Mt. Airy home will help! :)
karavite - from what chevy says, it sounds like you need to get yourself the latest copy of "guns and ammo"!!! Seriously, though - all the best of luck with your move - i'm sure it'll be great (if only to stop you having to shovel snow while I sit in the sun!)

In a nutshell - I've lived in Dubai for 6 years for the tax break... I love the sun, but nothing else about the place is very real - all superficial, but superb for a holiday...

My parents live in Malta - my family's in the UK... My girlfriend's family live in Thailand (she's Thai!)...

The father of one of my best friends in Dubai just died - he was the same age as my father - It suddenly dawned on me that I want to make sure I spend as much time as possible with the people I love - who knows when the party will end?

Hence 5 months in the flat in Malta and 6 months in the one in Thailand - family, family, family...

I bought a 4 bedroom duplex flat in an area of Malta called Sliema - great view of the bay with lovely outside space... Interior is not to my taste (at all!) so it's all got to be ripped out - great opportunity for cabling etc...

My main areas of interest are security and AV streaming, plus the ability to control lighting etc. when I'm away... (probably comes under the security banner anyway!)

Malta entered the EU on 1st May - and property is booming over there... My parents have seen prices on things they wanted to buy increase by more than $300,000 in 12 months! Silly stuff...

I found out that the X10 controller (PowerLinc 132U) doesn't exist in 240V having written to Indigo (good suggestion karavite - my brain wasn't in gear again...)

I got the following response from Indigo (for anyone outside the States who's interested in X10)

"There are European X10 devices, but I believe they are a bit more
expensive. SmartHome doesn't make a European version of the PowerLinc
USB interface (which Indigo uses to talk to other devices), so you will
need to get the CM12U interface, which is the European version of the
CM11. The CM12U and CM11 are both serial devices, so you will have to
purchase a Keyspan USB to serial adapter.

We have a hardware page that gives an overview of the different type of
hardware available:

But, we only have links to a couple of dealers that sell the European
devices on that page:

Your best bet is to search around on the above sites to see what
devices are available. We do have some UK customers that are
successfully using Indigo and X10 devices, so if you have specific
questions about using X10 with European systems (that I might not be
able to answer) you can try posting on:

Thanks for the interest in Indigo, and let me know if you have other
questions or comments about the software."

Very helpful, guy, Matt at - who responded very quickly...

I still think it's a shame it's not easier to find X10 for Europe, but I will just have to struggle on!

Just so you can put Arden out of his misery, karavite, my flat cost $485,000!
Yes, im from philly and I do hear that Fishtown real estate is hot right now. Everything is gonna be hot with the Real World: Philadelphia being shot as we THATS a fully automated home! I believe they have a mac there too. They're at the rennovated Seaman's church at 3rd & Arch if you wanna bug em. They hang at bars on Market St. too.
drunkmac - you mean I won't have the first automate home in Philly! Darn it! :) I'm not sure I would ever be up for hanging out with Real World people, but feel free to go bug them for me! I am probably older than you and I just can't get over that Pug guy they had in the first or second show.

applewhore - yes, Matt is great. He used to develop for MacroMedia. Sounds like you have a great place - best of luck to you! Don't be scared of Philly, even though it is the former capitol of the US and where we undid all the hopes of King George and the Brits! :) I just don't buy into this fearing of cities thing. I saw enough of that in Detroit and I got along just fine. You just have to be smart and cool about things and people. It's just part of life in U.S. cities, but what is funny is I have found the best neighbors and communities are in cities - Detroit, Chicago, NYC, San Francisco and so far, Philadelphia. NOT suburbia or rural America where, if you ask me, many people are much less friendly.

Arden, sorry, I'm still not giving up my house price! How about this, a little less than applewhore's, but not much. 90 years old, 5 bedrooms, new roof, new kitchen, new bathroom, new electrical system (X10 ready baby!) and new windows.
Okay, time to wake up the thread again. I have a real situation where it seems like my Mac would be so close to being up to the task, but is not.

I am moving and despite fleeing CT with pure joy, there is one thing I like here - a few radio stations (WPKN and WNYC) that I listen to ALL the time, plus a few more from Detroit where I used to live too (WDET). Each station provides WMP and/or Real Audio access, but in my new house the computer will be upstairs and my stereo downstairs. Here is the deal - a simple request:

I want to listen to these stations from my stereo downstairs.

Sure I can run a cable or even wireless transmitter from the computer, but that DOES NOT let me change stations without running back upstairs. If the format wars weren't such a problem, these stations could be iTunes stations, and that would offer some opportunities for remote control of the Mac (I think you can do this with blue tooth phones and/or maybe some universal remotes), but as it is, I can do nothing except buy a music server device (like this - but there are others that include internet radio stations along with the HD recorder), or run upstairs. but what really is this thing other than a hard drive, processor and some software? What is my Mac other than a hard drive, processor and some software?

Thing is, these kind of music servers are becoming popular and people with money will buy them and people without money will want them. Since so many people right now/today upload their CDs to their computer AND/OR buy iTunes/mp3s AND/OR listen to web based radio stations, why not add a little hardware and software to let their Macs do a little more by serving up music through the house?

Maybe you all have ideas or even current solutions I might explore, but I am imagining a little iPodish Apple remote that can control basic things on my home Mac which would be integrated with my home audio/video system. I could call up iTunes songs, web based radio stations, iTunes, email and maybe a few other things (phone book, Sherlock...) right from my Mac to my TV, stereo, Home Theater... Suddenly, my Mac is a whole new and even more wonderful thing!

It would be fantastic and I think really show people what Apple can do to extend the digital hub idea. Microsoft and others have this same kind of thing out today. Apple could really impress people with their own version.

P.S. Getting an iBook or having a computer in the living room is not an option! There is this thing called WAF - wife acceptance factor - that has to be considered! :-) Get an iPod for portable music? Sure they are cool, but it doesn't take care of the radio aspect and is still "sneaker net."
buy an iMac with a TV input box... it's not a computer is a MultiMedia Digital Center. You could pass the WAF test.
Hmm, we have an iMac, but it is my wifes and goes up in her office! Still, it would not make it in terms of the decor and therefore fails the WAF! :)
What if you dismount the iMac and rebuild it in a magnificent art furniture ?
Monkey Magic - this is PERFECT! Thank you, thank you, thank you! How did you find out about this? I think you saved me from exploring wireless PDA controllers and writing lots of Applescripts! It seems like eyehome "internet services" would take care of the radio listening via some simple bookmarks and bring up the radio audio (WMP or Real...) from the computer which, if eyehome can't route, I can run straight from the audio outs of my Mac! $250 seems reasonable doesn't it? Also, I am currently digitizing 150 old family super 8 mm movies and I could always view those with the eyehome too!

Chevy you are killing me! :-) I am imagining a painted or frilly iMac dressed in victorian furniture or something, but I cannot picture how to disguise the keyboard! Years ago I knew a guy who bought a Quadra 880AV and painted the case all these wild colors (it looked awful!). He then had trouble with it and Apple would not cover it under warranty!

Here are some issues with eyeTV, but I am not too interested in that, though I can see his points:
I found it a while ago on the apple store, I've had my eye on it (as this is exactly what I need) for a while but am still havering over getting one as I'd really like it integrated with a PVR.

If you get one let me know what it's like and elgato might get another sale!
PVR = Personal Video Recorder, right? Yea, I can see they still need to do a little work on that side - eyeTV. At first I'm not sure I needed that, but the more I think about it, what the heck! I'm also curious about a few things with it. For example, it reads from particular directories (like Movies), so I'm wondering if it will recognize/work with symbolic links to files/directories or even Aliases. Also, I'm hoping this thing is upgradable too - new features and things like that. It would be nice to see my incoming email from the old TV room too. You see, my whole problem is I spend WAY too much time with computers. I want to get away from them (in my office), but still have a few connections for things. Address book, Sherlock movies and yellow pages, email, weather... I wrote them with a few questions on these kinds of things and will let you know!

I suppose there are other options (PDAs, cell phones...), but I like the idea of my computer being a "server" in this way. If it is tied to my TV, I guess that is okay, but the best would be some kind of little mobile pad device!