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  1. Z

    two disabled fonts folders?

    yes they are different
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    two disabled fonts folders?

    Why are there two inside the Library folder?
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    Sorry to ask you this, i know its illegal but i need your help. Its about a dmg file of Leopard...

    Sorry to ask you this, i know its illegal but i need your help. Its about a dmg file of Leopard install dvd, i have it , but i want to burn it into a dvd in order to boot from my powerbook. Is there someway when burning it through eg. toast to make it bootable?
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    another device using same iP

    should i just let DCHP handle it? provided i have it on auto in all my computers
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    another device using same iP

    I dont know and i cant remember what the tech guy did, its been a long time! Where should i check and what do i need to change? Router specs or my macs?
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    another device using same iP

    what is this msg all about? on the home network there is one more computer. (the ip shown on the attached pic is photoshoped for obvious reasons)
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    skype wont work

    I cannot make skype connect and i get a message saying that "i must check my network settings", what can i check?
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    another version of skype running

    This is the msg i get when trying run skype. What is wrong?
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    organizing voice footage

    excellent!!! thanx midijeep
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    organizing voice footage

    I have an audio cd and i want to cut some voice footage from the fist track and make it into an mp3. Does OSX 10.6.8 have such an app to do so?
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    downloading rapidshare files

    1. What would be the best app for downloading rapidshare files? 2. Can Transmit or Transmission apps do the job? Iam aware of an app named JDownloader but to be frank with you guys, i want the rapidshare downloader to be completely integrated with OSX as far as looks and usability is...
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    ratio in songs isnt synced

    Shouldn't when i rate my songs on iTunes these ratings be transfered also to my iPodNano so i have them rated there too just like they are in iTunes?
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    earth icon istead of apple logo

    thanx, but let me ask isnt there a way to track down the events that happen on my mac? through console perhaps?
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    earth icon istead of apple logo

    but there is an issue thats prolly connected with this matter u think it might be connected? and unfortunately it is still unresolved
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    earth icon istead of apple logo

    but this doesn't happen all the time, since i have my mac (9months) it has happened 3-4 times, thats why it makes me wonder, its not a constant issue, can there be something wrong with my HD?
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    earth icon istead of apple logo

    when booting in "snow L" there are sometimes that i get an earth icon instaed of the apple logo icon, what is that for?