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  1. yomark

    How To Link my G4 Tower and Operate it from my Mac Mini

    Question: I'd like to see and operate BOTH my Mac Mini and my G4 Tower on the same monitor and keyboard, but I'm not sure that's possible. I'd like to do this so I can take advantage of the OS 9 (Classic) mode on the Tower, and to transfer files and apps back and forth. I found the following...
  2. yomark

    Convert swf to animated gif?

    I create swf's in Illustrator (convert layers to frames). My only software for creating gifs is Imageready.
  3. yomark

    How Do I Set my Signature?

    I got my answer, so here it is for reference, and for "official" definition for all time: "Mark, You are not allowed to create a signature until you have 20 posts. This was done to stop spammers from putting spam links in the signature. You can put a link in your signature, as long as it...
  4. yomark

    How Do I Set my Signature?

    Oops! I just sent a note to the webmaster! Oh well… Thanks everyone for the responses. I take no offense, it's just that I couldn't find anything in the FAQ's or my control panel.
  5. yomark

    How Do I Set my Signature?

    No. That's why I'm asking. I've been through everything I can find, but can't find where to set signatures. It's nowhere in any of my options. Other forums require a certain number of posts before the signature option becomes available.
  6. yomark

    How Do I Set my Signature?

    I want to set my signature, basically like most everyone else does: with my hardware and system specs. I cannot see how to do that, I'm assuming you need to reach a certain number of posts before that option becomes available? Also: do you allow images and links in the signature? Forward Message
  7. yomark

    Convert swf to animated gif?

    Is there any freeware out there that converts .swf files to animated gifs?
  8. yomark

    DVD Roms wont Mount

    I suppose I'll have to look into the USB drives after Christmas. I hadn't heard that external drives were as cheap. And by USB drives, I assume you mean flash drives (those little cigarette lighter-sized things)?
  9. yomark

    DVD Roms wont Mount

    Yeah. Best-case scenario: I can read my disks on another machine, but then there's something wrong with my drive. Meanwhile, I can't save off any of my remaining files, 'cause I don't have any other medium besides the dvd roms. Possibly could upload files here and there, but my connection is...
  10. yomark

    DVD Roms wont Mount

    Thanks. I was afraid someone was going to tell me that.
  11. yomark

    DVD Roms wont Mount

    Not sure if this is a hardware or software problem. I've read through all the other posts I could find that seem to apply, but cannot find any help for this problem: Self-burned DVD Roms wont Mount. These are DVD roms that I burned on the same MAC, same drive, using the native software. They...
  12. yomark

    My current desktop

    I originally posted this in May (2009), and it hasn't changed yet: I'm sorry if this comes out big. I haven't posted here much, and I can't see how to make it an attachment instead of the full size image. And just to show how "clever" :) I am: My hard drive's name is "Steel"...
  13. yomark

    My Latest Desktop Design (Keeps changing)

    If you like this one (if it doesn't creep you out), I'll post some of my others (none are quite as wierd). I only keep them up for so long (I get bored).
  14. yomark

    My Latest Desktop Design (Keeps changing)

    This was an idea, (actually a variation of a design for my website splash page), that I've had kicking around for a couple of weeks. Started it LATE last night, finished it today. Attachment is a screen capture, 'cause I wanted to show how I like to hide all the folders sitting on top (so that...
  15. yomark

    External speakers not showing

    I'll try that right now, as speakers cutting out keeps happening, despite the work-around. I just looked at the link, and the combination of keys at startup jogged my memory. I used to do that all the time in System 9, that, and rebuild the desktop. I'm still not quite used to applying...
  16. yomark

    External speakers not showing

    Oh! Duh! (I guess you just use that cute litle button marked: "Thanks"!
  17. yomark

    External speakers not showing

    Whoa! Just take the speaker plug out, restart, then put it back in! Who'da thunk? Here I've been verifying disk permissions, then even restoring core software....My problem is similar: every so often, my sound options drop out. Even the boot up sound. My OS is Tiger-10.4.7 on an Intel Mini. I...