Search results

  1. J

    Activating root user

    duplicate your user account change the UID to 0 change the name to root change the GID to wheel....? change the home directory to /private/var/root make sure that directory exists after you su type your password you should be root you could change the passwd from there...
  2. J

    fink or any others?

    you already have a full unix system called OSX10.x fink is a package manager it will help to install a variety of standard Unix applications on your current Unix system. some of those use a GUI which is different than the one which you have installed. you are running Quartz...
  3. J

    colored terminal

    there is a small application which comes as part of the FileUtil package. dircolors You may use it like this <b> setenv LSCOLORS /etc/dircolors</b> in your ~/Library/init/tcsh/environment.mine make it if it is not there read /usr/share/init/tcsh/README and other files there...
  4. J

    Post Method not allowed

    I did say it was enabled there(cgi-bin) by default. your problem seems to be associated with permissions set all scripts in cgi bin chmod 755 script.cgi make sure the owner is a restricted user like <b>root</b> or <b>yourname</b> or<b> unknown</b>.... if you have files which...
  5. J

    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    I am having a problem... everytime I use a carbonated app I have to XP but seriously... "Want apple to do this or that...." Apple will continue to do...that is clear, and the things they do ... not so bad.... in fact, spectacular. Try to remember, that unlike a certain Overgrown monopoly...
  6. J

    opening PHP files with apache

    Iolaire has the right idea.... the location which you try, on the other hand, is up to your configuration.... the script you are trying to load must have some url in it.... have a look at your /var/log/httpd/error_log for some clue
  7. J

    opening PHP files with apache

    You should be able to connect to localhost whether you are on the net or not. http://localhost/index.html should take you right back home....
  8. J


    <b>Important: Please note this is prerelease software that should not be installed on a production system. Do not install on a system containing information that you would not want to lose. </b> <hr> You think some idiot on HL know something that apple doesn't....????? Go ahead...
  9. J

    troubleshooting OSX.1

    ~/Library/Preferences contains the files you are looking for. These are posted and updated on a user by user basis. other systemwide preferences are in /Library/Preferences/ and you should be more careful there there are some applications which hide additioal preferences inside...
  10. J

    Awsome: The Doctor Is In. Easter egg!!!

    is an optional (sic) part of the Main OS install. Developer tools are on another disk and are also optional... Bananas vs. Papaya
  11. J

    Awsome: The Doctor Is In. Easter egg!!!

    This is a feature of emacs...not necessarily qualifying as an Easter Egg. As for AI yeah it is real AI. Hollywood AI is not real AI. LISP and LOOPS(object-oriented LISP) has been a favorite of the AI programmers. the Towers of Hanoi is one of the first "problem solving" examples for...
  12. J

    G4 HD, and Urban Myths

    the numbers 1, 5, 6 are not used in the Mac operating system. This makes the mac processing faster... That also makes it very difficult to port Windows applications (especially viruses) which insist on making extensive use of "antique" numbers.... Additionally, many windows programmers...
  13. J

    G4 HD, and Urban Myths

    I have seen a thread to the effect that replacing your HD in any model Mac will effectively void the warranty. So you either have to get it changed by the service people who will be glad to "Test it out" for a couple of weeks or, if you ever have a warranty issue you have to replace the...
  14. J

    major *root* concerns

    don't do that unless you and your computer are behind closed and locked doors.... in fact all of the "local" security issues fit in this category. there are many "shortcuts that can be taken when you are the guaranteed only user. the problem is that if you establish a pattern of...
  15. J

    Oh, no not again: Error when making

    any way... it is the initial c-runtime object there is a crt1 in the lib. and it does come down to a configuration problem this bad configuration is not limited to macOSX as there are plenty of reference on google which show other people having the similar problem. I don't know the...
  16. J

    Web Sharing

    you can start by commenting out two linesin the /etc/httpd.conf sudo pico /etc/httpd.conf ctrl w type apple it will find things with apple LoadModule put a # in front of that scroll down a 50 lines or so... AddModule .....same.c put a # in front...
  17. J

    Web Sharing the apache server won't start at all. until you fix the config file. if you think it has started, it did not. maybe you just have a case of spinning cursor fatigue. if you type "apachectl start" in the terminal, you will get instantaneous feedback. the stupid...
  18. J


    Terminal names (except for the last, verbose entry) should be chosen using the following conventions. The particular piece of hardware making up the terminal should have a root name, thus ``hp2621''. This name should not contain hyphens. Modes that the...
  19. J

    10.1, some questions...

    1. you will have to dig around in the various .plists, but I believe it is there. if you have dev-tools the is a plist editor, and there is prefedit which loads up all of the prefs it can find and lets you browse through things pretty quickly. there might also be something on that at...
  20. J


    maybe in XFree86. At this moment I am not aware of a replacement for