Awsome: The Doctor Is In. Easter egg!!!


If you already knew this: why didn't you share? If you never knew this then check it out!!!

Open up Terminal and type in: emacs

Then while holding down the shift key press the escape key. Then type: x doctor

Finally typepsychotherapist: "I think I am a psyco!" and press return twice.

The screen you are currently in is AI. Real AI. You can ask it questions and let it tell you a bit about yourself. It's a virtual psychotherapist! Describe your problems to it and tada!

You're welcome!
Sweet -- kinda like the old Eliza on old, old PCs... anyone remember that?

It's not real AI, dude... just a bunch of programmed (sometimes random) responses filtering your typing and looking for sentence fragments, nouns and verbs that it can concatenate with it's own pre-programmed responses and try to make some sense. You'll see -- sometimes the things it replies with won't make much sense if you throw some complicated sentences at it.
Yea I know it's not realy AI. I just got confused for a few seconds, it's just like the coding in Q3A...where if you "talk" to a replies to certain words and filters in some of the words you typed yourself.

Still it's pretty cool if you ask me.
Now that was funny :D

I think emacs also has the towers of hanoi built in, but I dont know how to access it ;)

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I think emacs also has the towers of hanoi built in, but I dont know how to access it ;)


Almost the same as the shrink, only instead of doctor, use hanoi...shift-Esc, x hanoi.

How to do anything with it, don't know; mine just plays by itself (with itself?).
Don't know if emacs comes with it by default, but there is a pong game in emacs, never bothered to try to access it though.
Some of the wacky stuff that comes with emacs is installed in usr/share/emacs/20.7/lisp/play. Some are games, others are supporting files (like gamegrid, which is used by snake and tetris, and is not in itself a game)
Games you'll recognize include blackbox, gomoku, tetris, solitaire, and snake.
Dunnet is a text adventure, ala Zork.
Spook is, well, kindof spooky in light of recent events.
Pong doesn't appear to be part of the install that comes with Darwin, but you can download it at <a href=""></a>
<P>Hell, if you really wanna get freaky, install <a href="">TNT</a>, an AIM client for emacs!
I think the towers of hanoi are meant to be done by themselves :p

Our CS prof showed the program to use like a year ago ;)
I'm a newbie in Terminal or any kind of shell. But I really LOVE Easter Eggs and want to use this one badly.

I opened Terminal and typed in emacs then hit 'Return'. Terminal told me "emacs: Command not found."

Do I need to be in a certain directory or not hit 'Return' or what? I noticed you didn't have 'Return' or 'Enter' until the end of your message. Please help. :confused:

:o I just realized that this is probably installed with the developer tools, which I chose not to install. Is there a way to install just those with this crazy CD without having to reinstall the core too?
emacs should be there even w/o the dev tools:cool:

I wonder why you can get em. Did you install teh additional BSD stuff as well or no ?
No, I didn't install the BSD tools. I don't know if it matters, but I'm still on 10.0.4. I tried 10.1, but couldn't connect to the web even tho AOL connected, so I went back down to 10.0.4.
emacs has been there since the public beta :)
Just install the BSD subsystem or tools (or what ever its called in the installer :) )
This is a feature of emacs...not necessarily qualifying as an Easter Egg.

As for AI yeah it is real AI. Hollywood AI is not real AI.

LISP and LOOPS(object-oriented LISP) has been a favorite of the AI programmers.

the Towers of Hanoi is one of the first "problem solving" examples for computers.
Kind of a "hello World" of Lisp programming.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
emacs has been there since the public beta :)
Just install the BSD subsystem or tools (or what ever its called in the installer :) )

i did not install developer tools and emac works fine for me....

wonder what that means.....:rolleyes: