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  1. dricci

    Star Wars games are coming to the Mac

    Didn't we just get a Spider Man game?
  2. dricci

    Aquafy Windows Me

    looks like the mac whois haxx0rs are at it again :p Either that or it hasn't been updated in over a year, cause it's happened before.
  3. dricci

    AtAT Returning MONDAY!

    I think if Apple Legal threatened AtAT, a LOT of Mac users would probably get angry with Apple Legal, meaning very bad PR. I doubt AtAT will ever get touched :D
  4. dricci

    dricci's crack house

    Hrmm. Good question. :) I'll let you know when I can answer it :eek:
  5. dricci

    dricci's crack house

    Thanks, klink! Pull up a bean bag! Sure, MacGuy, you can be in charge of the bar. That involves breaking into Herve's bar at night to get beer, sence us crack heads can't afford it! :p Wow, this is getting weird. I actually feel like a crack head! :confused: :rolleyes: :eek: :D
  6. dricci

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    An old man was sitting on a bench at the mall. A young man walked up to the bench and sat down. He had spiked hair in all different colors: green, red, orange, blue, yellow, and purple. The old man just stared.... The young man said sarcastically, "What's the matter old timer, never done...
  7. dricci

    dricci's crack house

    Hmm.. Sorry. All we have is. uh.. Crack? Anyways, I feel special having my own crack house now, and in such a fancy neighborhood, too! :D Maybe we can send somebody up to the bar and grill to grab some drinks. Who's paying?:rolleyes:
  8. dricci

    dricci's crack house

    Well, it seems like everybody is getting a bar and grill or cafe, so I decided I'd try to fit in, too.. Presenting: dricci's crack house! Anybody is welcomed to come on over to my crack house! Just climb through the borded up door behind the bar and grill, oh, and watch for cops! Not...
  9. dricci

    Jaguar 10.2 Build 6C48 Seed Info

    Yeah, I just checked, it supports it. But I'm not sure how to change the away message. Under the menu item there's an option under "Available" called "Away." Currently, the away message displayed for that is "Sorry, I'm unavailable" or something..
  10. dricci

    Yet another newspaper article overlooks Macs

    Very good letter. I'll have to read over the article and write in to the author. If we make ourselves heard to the media, then maybe, just maybe, they'll listen.
  11. dricci word association!

    Washed up? :o :D
  12. dricci


    I thought football season was over? :eek:
  13. dricci

    Military doesn't like Apple.

    Makes me feel a lot safer. :rolleyes: As long as it wouldn't screw up too much sensitive information that could pose a threat, I do hope that someone takes down their entire network with a worm, virus, or simple DoS attack.
  14. dricci word association!

  15. dricci

    2 Partitions... one for OSX and other for OS9

    I got two Partition Tables and a Microphone! Well, this is my official wasted post of the week! :D
  16. dricci

    Jaguar 10.2 Build 6C48 Seed Info

    Tablets, at least for now, until an iPad with Mac OS X Lite comes out :p However, as far as I know, none of the released builds have included the Ink stuff.
  17. dricci

    who hijacked macslash??

    I don't think their domain was set to expire yet, sounds more like dotster decided it'd be ok to rewrite the database with their own entry and resell it. I smell lawsuit....
  18. dricci

    Virtual PC 5.0.3

    Yeah, I won't upgrade if it's slower, either. That's more like a downgrade if you ask me. The new features sound nice, but 5.0.2 works fine for what I use it for and fast.
  19. dricci

    Virtual PC 5.0.3

    What's new in this version: Password Protection and Security Sockets-Based Shared Networking Advanced COM Port Settings CPU Usage Controls "Type CTRL-ALT-DEL" Menu Item Long Filename Support for Shared Folders Improved Printing Help and Printer Icon in Virtual PC Toolbar Fixed bug...
  20. dricci

    Chimera hits 0.28

    Yes, IE dominates all. It even has Smart Crash™ Technology direct from Windows 98! Smart Crash brings the browser to a halt and kills it when it senses you've been using the Internet for too long. Of course, in Microsoft Time™, this can be only seconds after application launch.